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In a perfect world, everything was perfect.

In Niall Horan's world – that's how everything was. In the morning, he could go out to his balcony and see the cleaner's beginning their route out the front of his school, cleaning up the grass which then lead to the school office. He would wake up and observe this, smelling the fresh coffee that his best friend made for the both of them and hearing the radio softly play in the background. It was bliss to him.  School life had been nothing but gracious to Niall Horan. Especially when his school life consisted of him being the smartest boy in his class – every class.

Except physical education, that is. That's an exception and Niall has come to terms with that already. But he couldn't care. He's happy. Sharing an amazing school experience like this with his best friend and dorm-mate Liam Payne, the two had everything handed to them.

They weren't short on money either. Both of their parents earned more than the average – each boy getting most if not everything they wished for. They didn't roll like that though. Giving was a term that both of them used quite a lot. They had compassion and a drive almost to go out and do something for somebody else – to make their lives better.

They were good guys. Never swearing, never drinking, certainly never taking drugs and of course, virginal.

Everyone was envious of the two of them but hate never seemed to arise. How could you hate two lovable 'dorks' in a way?

Every single aspect of their lives have gone to plan so far. On Niall's checklist, you could spot a couple of things.

-Get into his dream school. Check.

-Room with Liam. Check.

-Receive the best grades. Check.

-Make sure nothing gets in his way. Check.

He made sure his check list went perfectly and luckily for him, it did.

"Liam, there's a showing on tonight." He mumbled softly as he observed the movie times in front of him – Liam coming behind him to take a peak, a porcelain mug in his hand.

"Are you sure you want to see it?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "I mean, there's been either really good or terribly bad reviews on it." His best friend scoffs, ending up slumping down on the bed – it being too early to concentrate on a computer screen.

"Oh come on mate, if anything – it's terrible and we just get a laugh out of it. After all, it's a children's movie." Niall suggests as he turns up to him, biting hard on his lip.

 "Erm, I don't know." He huffs, placing his hands on his stomach – thinking about whether this was a decision he wanted to make or not. Balancing between studying and goofing off to see a juvenile children's movie with his best friend seemed to really get to him.

"You act like it's a struggle," Niall chuckles lightly to himself as he stands up and grabs his portable coffee cup off of the bench, bringing it to his lap as his thighs meet his chest.

 "Fine." Liam gets out with a small smile, pulling his phone out. Sometimes he found it hard to deny his best friend what he wanted. After all, Niall was all he had ever had. 

"Alright, I'll just order the tickets." Niall nods to himself as he begins to do so, typing away at the computer.

"Oh god, that's terrible." Liam whispers after a moment of silence as he reads the article on his phone, pinching his eyes in to make sure he didn't leave any sort of detail out.

"What is?" Niall snorts at his tone as he finishes ordering the tickets, leaving his laptop to finish charging.

 "Bikie gang, 'The Killers' left two dead and four critically injured in a bar fight – walking out before any authorities could get to them," He reads as he holds his phone closer. "Rumoured to be around Bradford city, police highly suggest that you are cautious around secluded areas."

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now