Chapter 16

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A/N Hey everyone, I don’t have a life so I’m updating for the third time this weekend weyhey! Also, there’s quite mature content in this so please don’t judge me – I’m crap at this sort of stuff! So yeah, sorry if you’re disappointed idk haha xx


 “Let him the fuck go Louis, or I swear to God I will kill you”

This was all I needed to hear to make my heart stop. I turned around to face Zayn, fists balled and teeth grinded. He looked as if he were to kill Louis. I didn’t know what to do nor did I know what to say so I stood there frozen, with Louis’ grip still hardened. I could see that Harry had broken free from his grip out of the corner of my eye and everyone was silent at the presence of Zayn.

Zayn’s eyes were dark, he had a light stubble around his cheeks and he looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. “Let go.” He spits. I look over at Louis who was biting his lip trying to hold back his anger. Louis pushed me away but I held my foot back regaining my balance. I fumbled up and held my hands behind my back as if I were a child in trouble with the principal. I couldn’t look Zayn in the eye so I kept them down.

“What is he doing here?” He bellows causing me to wince. “I brought him here because he wanted to apologise” Harry says stepping up to where Louis is, giving him a hateful glance. Louis just looks down and bites his lip before stepping back into the shadows with the other men.

Zayn just stares at Harry, with no actual facial expression. I was scared now, he seemed so angry and Harry had mentioned that he could do anything to me to make it hurt and I wasn’t planning on that to happen. Zayn steps closer to me and I gulp. “Z-Zayn don’t take it out on him, take it out on me. I got more of a stance than Blondie here” Harry says with a shaky voice. Harry steps up closer and places a hand on Zayn’s shoulder which soon was shrugged off.

Zayn took another step closer to me while Harry tried to turn him around, which for Harry, failed miserably. Harry gave me a small look with sorry eyes as he mouthed ‘I’m sorry’. I just nodded at him not even wanting to know what was next. “Come on” Zayn mutters as he grabs onto my wrist. My eyes grow wide as he pulls me over to where the motorbikes are.

I look at Harry one last time before they disappear out of sight. Zayn lets go of me and I stumble over some of the gravel. I look at my feet as I see him grabbing out two helmets. “Have you had dinner?” He asks dryly as he looks me up and down. “N-No I haven’t” I let out as I watch his deadly gaze.

He doesn’t say a word, he throws me a helmet and gets on the bike as I quickly get on after him. He speeds off to some unknown destination where I was fretting of going. I was quite scared that Zayn would harm me and I was very nervous that I didn’t have Harry with me to protect me

He pulled us over on a small street which had about three restaurants, a small shopping centre and a few flat complexes. He grunts as he throws his helmet off, getting off of the bike. I gradually get off the bike with my eyes not leaving the pacing Zayn. Once I’m off, I place the helmet down waiting for what he wants me to do next. “Can you hurry up?” He snaps as he turns to me. I quicken my pace as I follow him into some restaurant I hadn’t seen before.

He quietly gets us a table for two and the waiter gives us a seat in the corner. Zayn doesn’t stop staring at me with dark, hateful eyes and I can’t help but to continue to look down avoiding his look. I bite my lip and wait for him to break the silence because I certainly wasn’t going too.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now