Chapter 2

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Hey everybody, this book is going to mostly be in the perspective of Niall and hardly you will see Zayn's POV. Please enjoy this chapter.

The boy that Liam and I had just met really made me choke back my words which in Liam's opinion never really ended. The boy looked about our age yet his mentality seemed years ahead. He had many tattoos some which looked very pointless, I didn't understand why you could ink your skin with such random, useless things that would definitely be regretted later in life. He had many piercings, some that were evident were a lip ring which looked very good when he played a smirk to his lips, and he had about three piercings on each of his ears and had a silver stud up on his eyebrow. Usually, I despised any sort of body jewellery on men yet as it seemed – Zayn made me change my mind on this. But damn, for a guy he was just sexy.

My mind was probably playing a trick on me. I had never referred a male as 'sexy' before. This feeling was strange. I never thought of Liam, Josh, George or any other of the boys at my school as sexy but Zayn made me think differently when it came to him. He had dark hair which look really soft and it almost glistened in the pale moonlight. When he came closer to us I got to see very bright, almost golden eyes looking back at me and he had very nice plump, red, lips which looked very kissable.

I scolded myself for such a remark. Never in my existence had I ever thought of kissing somebody. It was all kind of messed up in my opinion and it was such a strange sensation to me. He kept looking me up and down and I couldn't help but to humiliate myself by blushing in front – to what seemed to be – one of the coolest, 'street' people I had ever seen. I had only ever seen guys like this in those silly movies from the eighties where the men were all bearded and had tough looks on his face.

Zayn, however was much different to that. He rode a motorbike yeah, I didn't flinch that much. A lot of lads rode bikes. He was different in the way that he seemed adorable and every time he would smirk a little dimple would appear on his cheek bone.

"So Blondie," He says stalking closer toward me. I gulped to myself as I took in his chiselled features just wondering why he was so interested in talking to me and not Liam.

"Y-Yeah?" I stutter as I look down to my feet as they slowly shuffled around on the ground. I occasionally looked up at Liam and he was staring right at me with a concerned look which said 'Niall-run!' but I ignored it as I looked back up at the much more intimidating bloke in front of me.

"What is somebody as delicate as you doing around this side of town at this hour?" He asks as he peers down at his watch then flicks his head up to smirk at me.

"I-We, Liam and myself," I mutter, fumbling with my words. "We went out to see the new Lego movie." I say loudly, getting the topic out of the way.

"Lego huh?" He says as he tilts his head and I nod.

"Is – ah your friend here, your boyfriend? Niall?" He asks with a wink pointing at Liam.

"No." I gush. "No, he's-we're-um me and Liam are just friends and I'm not you know, interested in b-boys." I say mumbling out as he again, looks me up and down.

"Of course somebody like you wouldn't be interested in boys." He smiles to himself, still leaning against his motorbike. "What do you say then?" He shrugs as he raises an eyebrow.

"What do I say about – what?" I ask, biting down on my lip – watching him continue to observe me.

"Come for a ride with me – I don't know where. I want to know more about you Blondie." He chuckles coyly as he observes me, his eyes clouding darkly.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now