Chapter 18

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A/N Hey people, enjoy this and all haha – leave your comments below, yeah this is my shortest chapter just don’t bite my head off, no hateeeee xx

Zayn and I spent that entire day together, we went out to the town for a great bite to eat with both of our phones turned off so nobody else, not Harry, not Louis, not Liam nor James could contact us. It was just Zayn and Niall for the day and I loved it. We went out to a small café along the river where there were hardly any people and then we took a stroll and a ride around. 

“Would you fancy to stay the night again?” Zayn asks as he continues to walk us back to his bike. “Hm, is this a booty call?” I ask him. “Niall you’re so weird – this isn’t a booty call” He chuckles as he swings his hand with mine. “So is that a yes?” He snaps impatiently. “Of course it’s a yes you noob, no need to be such a douche” I mutter with a light smile.

“Oh please I am far from a douche” He says. “Babe you’re wearing leather boots” I chuckle. “Yet you still choose to be seen with me in public so if I’m such a douche, what are you?” He smirks. “Well-played Malik, very well played” I laugh shaking my head. “I am a man about strategy” He retorts holding his chest. “Yes you are a man of strategy and you’re also a man of douche-bag-ness” I nod with a laugh.

“You make no sense to me Horan” He sighs as he throws his arm around me, bringing my head close to his body, pecking me lightly in the hair. “Your hair smells like rainbows” He laughs as I pull my head away. “Rainbows aren’t real” I say to him as we walk past the small lake. 

“Rainbows are so real” He retaliates. “Yeah but you can’t smell them” I laugh. “Well if I knew what rainbows smelt like I’m guessing that they’d smell like your hair” He smiles coyly. “You’re pretty adorable, you know that right?” I say as I look down at our feet.

“I’ve been told quite a few times actually” He says smugly. I laugh to myself as I lightly push him. “You’re such a knob” I laugh shaking my head. “And where does that leave you my darling?” He says. 

“That leaves me with a smoking hot, knob” I say poking my tongue out. “And you call me well-played” He scoffs. 

“Indeed I did Malik” I wink at him. We spot his bike and he walks us over to it, our fingers still linked. 

“So have you called your boyfriend back yet?” He asks as I adjust my helmet. “No” I say simply with a sigh.

Why did I have to call back James? I couldn’t care that he was worried, nothing was wrong with me. I am having a blast out with Zayn and I didn’t want to see him right now, not because he did anything but because I want to spend my time with the guy whom I care about most right now.

“Good” He smiles as he straddles his bike. “And you’re still going to stay the night right?” He asks. “Yes.” I say simply in a similar tone like before. “Good” He smiles chuckling as I overlap his bike, grabbing onto his waist. “You going to call him about it? Or Liam?” He asks turning around to me, adjusting his helmet. “Mm no” I shrug as I grip onto his sides.

“That’s what I like, my little Bad Boy” He winks as he turns around, placing his helmet on and driving off, toward the hotel. 

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now