Chapter 7

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A/N Bit of a shortie, but hope you like this x


I took James back to my dorm, where he spent the night. It wasn’t a problem or issue for Liam and I as it was a Friday night so no teachers would be nearby. He was too sleepy to even acknowledge his surroundings, Zayn really must’ve got him bad. That Zayn was becoming too much trouble for me to carry. I had told Liam what happened and he just couldn’t believe the fact after all of the mean, nasty things I told him, he still kissed me and didn’t instead break my jaw.

To be totally honest, I’d rather Zayn beat me until there was nothing left than him to kiss me. It was redundant and just plain rash. It was such a dick move by him. He knew that ever since he kissed me that night, he hasn’t left my mind and now, I don’t see myself getting over this anytime soon. James was my boyfriend and I liked him so much but Zayn I was unsure of.

I had a love-hate relationship with him going on in my mind. I’d never say his looks weren’t perfect yet I always carry on about how bad he treats me and how much I just want to wreck that pretty little face of his. Yet again, as much as I would like to punch him straight in the mouth, I’d also love to kiss him and hug him and just let him know that he means a lot to me. But he doesn’t mean a lot to me, he doesn’t mean a thing. In fact, he’s beneath me, he’s the scum beneath my shoes.

I had to completely wipe him from my life and with James’ help, I know that I can move past him and be Niall Horan, James’ boyfriend not Niall Horan the guy who can’t stop thinking about some criminal. I’d like to succeed in having my own independence without the influence from Zayn, pulling me toward the dark side.

I had been running my hands through James’ messy, soft hair as he snored lightly to himself. It was about ten in the morning so I was still in my pyjamas, with a toothbrush in my mouth. Liam was up on his computer and I stayed where I was, gently watching my beau sleep. He had a massive purple, bruise over his eye and had dried up blood around his eyebrow. He looked so masculine yet so cute at the same time.

I sigh to myself as I stand up. Why couldn’t Zayn have just left us alone? Did he really need to intrude? Or was it that hard to not cause a scene and beat somebody up. I just didn’t get Zayn, he did such stupid things yet he was seemed so soft. His two friends, Harry and Louis which I failed to identify by their names were horrible just as Zayn was. They didn’t have to show me but I gathered that they lacked compassion, just like their leader.

“Niall come here” Liam sighs with his hands over his eyes. I exhale profoundly as I walk over to him leaning my head on his shoulder. I look up and see that he had opened a page up which at the top was called ‘The Killers: Who are they?’ I roll my eyes. “Liam, I get who they are I literally don’t need some stupid information to tell me” I groan. He just chuckles faintly to himself. “Read this here, it says that their gang has been responsible for 6 hit and runs over the last month” He taunts.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now