Chapter 28

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A/N Hey people of Wattpad, I did leave you with a mean cliffhanger on the other chapter huh? Well, hope you enjoy this and leave your lovely feedback below, sorry if this was bad - I did this in about four sittings, I've had exams all week and ughhh but dw I'm on holiday break now :D xx (sorry for late update)

Do you ever just sit back and watch your world crash before your eyes? Or when your life flashes right before you? People always say that when that happens you’re usually dead. Right now, in a way I wish I was. I didn’t want anybody near me, I didn’t want anybody to talk to me and I didn’t want anybody to touch me. Right now, I wanted myself in the little bubble I was currently in and I wasn’t planning on coming out of it anytime soon.

Would it be possible for me to fall off of the face of the earth? There’s no harm in trying is there – oh who am I kidding, I’ve completely lost it. I don’t think I have moved from my spot from the bed, I don’t think I want to ever move. It felt like a million and one people were speaking to me at once but I couldn’t see them – I muffled out their loud lectures and questions and shut my eyes.

I couldn’t move - I simply refused to move. I didn’t even know what was going on right now and quite frankly, I didn’t want to move.

People were tapping me on the shoulder and telling me to talk but I didn’t want to, I don’t want to talk to anybody else. Anybody but the love of my life. This is the worst feeling in the world – it was practically un-wordable. I couldn’t put it into words how I felt right now. I was angry and I was sad. I was livered and I was mad. It rhymes, so what?

“Niall!” I hear someone call. I don’t reply. “Niall answer me!” They say again. Still no response. “Niall baby!” They holler and my eyes immediately flicker over to them, in hope that it’s Zayn as he used the word ‘baby’. My gaze meets James’ and I clench my fists, wanting nothing more than to punch him in the face.

“Niall, baby it’s all over now – you don’t have to be with somebody like him.” He sighs as he wraps me into a hug I didn’t want to return. “You’re safe now and we can all go home – you and me and Liam.” He smiles lightly as he brushes some hair out of my face. I glare at him and thin my lips out.

“Are you alright?” James asks as he cups my cheek with his hand. “Oh God Niall, I have been so worried about you – I-I’ve missed you so.” He sighs as he give it a small squeeze. I shrug him away and turn to look out of the window where down below – Zayn was placed in one of the police cars.

I tried and tried to get down and follow them, to plead to tell them that Zayn didn’t kidnap me but my perfect hope was not so perfect in reality. I was put up here with a couple of cops and as it is shown, James too.

“I-I think something’s wrong with him.” James stutters out as he looks over at the police. They come rushing over to me yet again, kneeling down to look me straight in the eyes. “Have you been given any sort of illegal drug or medicine you’re unfamiliar with in the last twenty-four hours?” One of the men ask. I scoff as I look the other way. “Why? Do you have any?” I let out.

“N-Niall, you need to talk to them – just tell them what Zayn has been doing to you, Zayn can’t get to you anymore and he’s all the way down there in the police car, handcuffed.” James sighs. I bite my lip and turn the other way, looking down.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now