Chapter 11

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A/N Hey guys, quick update – hope you like this and leave a comment below and this is sort of a filler chapter sort of not so don’t stop reading a lotta drama is coming soon! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes btw! x


Zayn and I stayed out on the beach. The wind had calmed down and the weather was nice enough for both of us to tolerate. Zayn and I had spoken about everything. From his other fights to James. I was very comfortable in his presence and I just found everything to be so natural. It’s quite funny how my hatred for him could easily turn into care in such a short time.

Zayn was never the guy I pictured to be associated with yet James was. James was everybody’s perfect option. He had gorgeous looks and a brain to match it. He made me feel very happy and not once had he said or done anything to offend me. Zayn wasn’t like this. Zayn wasn’t the goodie-two-shoes everybody sought to find in their lives, in fact he was the complete opposite.

I couldn’t let Zayn think I thought of him badly – which I didn’t. In fact he amazed me. He had many sides to him, some good, some kind and others were brutally bad. He was a very dangerous guy but I wasn’t scared. He took things quite slow with me which appreciated. He hadn’t tried to get me into bed nor had he forced me to do anything I didn’t want to.

Zayn and I weren’t together, we were just… comfortable with eachother. Why should it be a crime that he is a source of my happiness, that he can actually brighten my day? I had held a grudge on him ever since that day he held me on his bike and kissed me like there were no tomorrow, ever since then I had been underneath his trance.

“What are you thinking about Niall?” Zayn asks as he leans on my shoulder, sighing to himself. I look down and see that he has his eyes closed. “Nothing in particular” I say lazily. He suddenly sits up and looks out toward the ocean as he bites his lip. He always bit his lip, it made him seem so deep in thought yet it was beautiful for me to see. His lips were so nice they seemed so delicate and sweet yet with that lip piercing of his, it made his lips seem more masculine and such, I wasn’t complaining though.

“Blondie have you ever wondered what it would be like to run away” He whispers. My eyes broaden and I look down at my lap. “Never given it thought” I mumble as I watch him play around with his jeans. “Why?” I ask. “No, it’s just – it’s nothing. It’s just a thought I’ve had since I was little” He shrugs as he stands to his feet, grabbing out his box of cigarettes. “You mind?” He asks as he hesitantly brings it to his mouth. I shake my head as he proceeds to light it up, bringing it to his lips.

“Why do you smoke?” I ask him remembering back to when I tried it – it tasted horrible. He shrugs as he exhales, tapping the bud with his finger. “It’s relaxing and it makes all bad thoughts go away” He says lowly. My lips part as I study him.

He finishes his cigarette and crushes it onto the ground. He sends me a small smirk as he throws an arm around me, bringing me to his body. I sigh happily into Zayn’s comfort and I look up at him with a contented smile. He bites his lips again as he gives me a small kiss to my cheek. His lips linger on my face for a short while before he pulls back and gives me a sharp smile.

He looks up and out into the water again and I watch him. He had the most incredible bone structure which I could hardly notice until now, from my view. His neck was covered in tattoos some caught my eyes and some didn’t. There were three stick figures which went down to his collar bone. One had ‘Harry’ the other had ‘Lou’ and the third had ‘Zayn’. I smiled to myself at the very cute looking tattoo against his beautiful body.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now