Chapter 14

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A/N Hope you like this, leave your feedback below and sorry that it's short!! x


 I stirred awake from my slumber, sighing to myself at the very loud, pounding alarm which went off quite loudly. The loud noise only reminded me of how shitty my life was, I deserved the loud noise in fact I deserved to be woken up this early. Leaning on my elbows, I sat up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I peered over to the bathroom where the lights were on, Liam was singing to himself in the shower – horribly in fact. I groaned as I properly go up and threw the blankets off of me, slinging my legs to the side of the bed not even caring that my blankets went onto the floor.

Why was I such a bad person? Zayn hadn’t left my mind ever since that incident at the bridge. I had never felt as bad as I do right now, I crushed him with my words. My words blew him up! He went crazy at me and all I’ve been longing for, is to just wrap him in a hug and never let go, not for anybody. I thought that he’d take it all in, smugly and probably tell me that it didn’t matter and that he had somebody else in his life who he was also meeting up with but he did the complete opposite. He had told me about his feelings and his feelings were beautiful, I really had made an impact on him – I felt good about that except he did mention that I would hear from him, I didn’t know what that meant.

I hadn’t told Liam, I hadn’t told James and I wasn’t planning on it anytime soon or even at all. If Liam ever found out about this, he’d be furious that I didn’t actually end it with him the day he told me to and James… well he can never find out about anything I had done with Zayn. I had noticed that ever since Zayn and I last saw eachother, my sleep pattern had been going awry. I couldn’t sleep at all and my studies didn’t seem to be any sort of help either. All I had been doing for these last few days was basically feeling incredibly bad for Zayn and hate myself more and more each day. The guilt had been riding up on me like there was no tomorrow.

“Niall you up?” Liam calls as he emerges from the bathroom, with a toothbrush in his mouth and a towel wrapped around his waist. “Yeah, I’m up” I grumble as I lazily pull a towel from the clean washing basket, walking as if I were a zombie into the bathroom which was still steaming from Liam’s shower. I couldn’t be bothered showering this morning so I just splashed my face with water and brushed my teeth. I hadn’t been bothered for anything lately, all I’ve been interested in was grimacing about Zayn.

“You’re not showering?” Liam asks as he sticks his head through the crack of the door. “M’not today mate” I sigh as I rub my face, just wanting to go back to my pillow. He just frowns looking down at the ground. “You’ve been so out of everything lately, is everything okay?” He asks. “Everything fine” I blatantly say looking down. “Sure?” He asks again with his eyebrows raised. “Sure.” I repeat with a weak smile.

He leaves and I whip around to the mirror and gasp. I looked so horrible, I had never seen myself look as bad as I do before. I looked like a ghost, with grey bags beneath my eyes. Had Zayn really had this effect on me? I just brushed it off.

I walked out of the bathroom with a sigh, scooping up my uniform and getting dressed in a hurry. Liam took his place at his computer while I finished tying my tie. “Let’s go” I sigh as I sling my bag over my back. He just looks up at me with a slanted frown and follows me out the door after he locks up. “I’m starting to get concerned about you y’know” He says as I walk down the stairs. “Oh? Why’s that?” I mumble gently as I turn down another flight of stairs. “Because you just don’t tell me anything anymore” He says quietly to himself.

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now