Chapter 12

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A/N Hey everybody, thanks for all your nice comments. A lot goes on in this chapter… just let me know if it’s too much because I fret it is!  Also, thank-you so much as I just reached over 1,000 followers – I love you all! Mwah xx


I was in such a sudden shock. Maybe, I was bitten by some sort of sea snake or eel yet I knew that it wasn’t. Snakes and Eels wouldn’t go out near the shore where we were. Maybe I was bitten by a mosquito or a bee? Chances would be low considering I was near salt water. God, this could only mean one thing – Zayn had given me some sort of a hickey. I had never had something like this before, people had said that you should feel pain but any of this ‘pain’ was blocked out by all of the worry I was receiving right now.

“What do you mean?” I chuckle nervously as James loses his happy facial expression. “Y-You have a big red thing on your neck.” He tells me with enlarged eyes. “No-No I don’t feel anything” I smile, lying. “Niall there’s a big red thing on your neck how can you not feel it – it, had teeth marks on it” He frowns as he rubs his fingers over it earning a small wince from me. “See – you do feel something” He says as he offers out his hand. “Come on, come to the bathroom” He says worriedly.

I timidly follow, passing Liam. He looks up at me and gives me an apprehensive look with his lip curled beneath his teeth. I mouth out ‘Zayn’ to him and he just throws his face into his hands, scoffing to himself. We walk into the bathroom and he turns the drying light on which causes him a great angle of the sight. “Where did you even go today?” He asks with a frown. “Were you with anybody?” He asks, cutting me off.

“The only person I had seen today, besides Liam of course, was you” I fib with a scoff. Somehow his face loosens up as he gives me a relieved smile. Really had shown how much he liked me considering he saw right through this lie. “So what happened Nialler?” He asks with a small smile. “I probably got bitten by some sort of bug – it is bug season after all” I exclaim with a small laugh. “You’re right actually, my cousin Greg had told me recently that his crops down at his farm were dying from the amount of bugs” He nods seriously.

“Mm right, it really hurts” I chuckle fakely as I gently run my fingertips over it. “Yeah, it should actually – do you have any gellex?” He asks as he stands to his feet. “Erm, try the first draw or just go ask Liam” I shrug. He nods as he pecks my cheek, walking over to the draws opening them with a frown. “There’s none in here” He hums. “How about I go run down and get some while you go and rest up with that nice cup of tea, Liam poured for you?” He smiles sweetly as he pecks my cheek. “O-Okay, James I’ll see you in a bit” I smile. He walks out of the bathroom, leaving me to sit there to reminisce on what I had actually done.

Dreading to look in the mirror, I slowly walk up not wanting to see the mark that Zayn had left to be honest. I tilted my neck on the side as I came face-to-face with our small mirror. Sighing, my eyes flutter open. I gasp as I see a big red mark with yellow trailing and teeth marks around it. “Shit” I curse. I hardly ever swore. I wet my hand and bring it to my mark starting to get quite angry at the boy who put it there; Zayn.

I walk out to Liam with my arms tucked away behind my head. He’s sitting there with a big smirk on his face as he looks at my neck. “Busted? Is it all over?” He mocks as I roll my eyes. “No, in fact he’s gone down to the shops to get some Gellex” I mutter. “Are you serious?” He chuckles. “I was all the way in the kitchen and I could easily tell you had a hickey – is he that oblivious?”

Love on the Road - Ziall Horlik Book 1 *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now