Chapter fifty ~ END

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"We bought some drinks as well, we thought you'd need it" Taehyung says smiling at me softly.
"I'm very picky with my alcohol Taehyung" I say smiling back at him.
"For someone that drinks as much as she does it's quite supprising" Jin says sighing.

"We bought quite a lot- Oh you need to pack an over night bag as well, we're going to say at a hotel tonight" Jungkook says smirking slightly.
"Why?" Namjoon says before I get a chance.
"Because this flat is way too small for us all to sleep in, so we'll get a few hotel rooms" Taehyung says shrugging.

"I'm not paying for anything" I say quietly whilst looking up at Namjoon.
"Of course not, I wouldn't expect anything less baby" he says before kissing my forehead.
I blush slightly and look down at the ground.

"Yah- is Y/N blushing right now?" Yoongi says pointing out my embarrassment.
Everyone's eyes shoot to me and I cover my face.
"I've never seen this before- I should take a picture" Jin says before pulling out his phone.

Namjoon places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me into his chest, hiding my face from the others.
"Leave her alone, when you say a few hotel rooms, how many?" Namjoon says swiftly changing the subject once again.
I pull my head away from his chest but he pulls me back into him.
Is he trying to be cute or annoying?

I try again but he keeps me still, I give up and relax on his chest. This isn't that bad I guess.
I breathe in and sourround myself in his smell, making me feel almost high.
The boys continue talking and I listen closely, even though I can't really see anything apart from the green on Namjoons tshirt.

"3" Taehyung says bluntly.
"3? There's 8 of us"
"Actually there's only 2 rooms- we got another one for hanging out" Jimin says correcting him.

"How long are we going for? I mean do we really need an extra room?" Yoongi says laughing slightly.
"Only two nights, we can't go for too long because of the tour" Hoseok says clearly..

I pull away from Namjoon and look at him.
"What tour? You're going on tour? When and to where? Are you kidd-"
He interrupts me by kissing my lips gently, gaining a cheer from the other boys.
Barstard, He's so going on tour.

I pull away from the kiss and glare at him.
"You're going on tour aren't you?" I say calmly.
He stays quiet for a second before nodding.

"In about a week" Hoseok says for him.
"I'm about a week? Are you kidding me?" I say hitting his chest lightly.
"You only came back yesterday Y/N" Yoongi says defending him.

"Yah is your name Namjoon?" I say snapping at Yoongi.
"Y/N don't raise your voice at me" Yoongi says pretending to be mad at me.
"You'd be mad if you were me" I say waving my hand at him.

"Don't be mad Y/N" Namjoon whines.
"A week? We just got together and you're already leaving me?" I say supprised.
"I'm not leaving you baby, I'm just" He takes a deep breath, "just going away for 3 months to travel around the world" he says quietly.
"3 months? Are you kidding me?" I say as my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

"I'll make it up to you I promise" he says putting his hand thrimly on my thigh.
"How? The only way you could make this up to me is litterally- actually there isn't anyway you could make this up to me" I say shaking my head.

"I think I know one way" he says before kissing my lips again.
The boys cheer again and I push him off me.
I stand up and walk to my room, trying to hide my flustered expression.
"I need to pack my clothes" I mutter angrily.


"We all know what you're going to do to make it up to her" Taehyung says squiggling his eyebrows at me.
I look at Jimin and then back at Taehyung. Should I be a cunt?

I mean he did sleep with Y/N when he knew I liked her and practically rubbed it in my face- he can deal with the details of my conquest.

"Yeah, I mean I'd last night wasn't enough to make it up for her already" I say sighing.
Taehyung s eyebrow raises and a smirk creeps up on him.
"So you did stay here last night for that reason?"
"No" I say defensively, "it just happened"

"Heard that one before" Hoseok says laughing.
"Do we really need to share rooms?" Jin says annoyed.
"Cause it's cheaper" Taehyung says smiling.
"Like we need to worry about how expensive things are" I say scoffing.

"Who am I sharing a room with?" Hoseok says curiously.
"Me, Jimin and Taehyung" Jungkook says smiling widely.
"So Y/N, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin in the other room?" Hoseok sayus with a smirky.

"Are you kidding me?" Jin says sighing.
"What's wrong with that?" I say with a smile.
"You've stuck me in a room with the two love birds?" Jin says glaring at the younger boys.

"They'll be trying to hook up all night- I hate you guys" Jin mutters angrily
"We won't disturb you Jin" I say rolling my eyes.
"I don't believe that- Yoongi what do you think?" He says looking at the other silent boy.
"I don't really care" he shrugs. I smile and look over at Y/Ns door and it opens almost as if she could tell I was looking at it. She walks out with a backpack on her shoulder and smiles at us.
"Let's go" She says happily.
The boys all stand up and make their way out of the house, me waiting until last so I could walk next to Y/N.
She smiles at me and takes my hand and leads me out of the house, closing the door behind me.

We walk down the to the van and climb inside.
"It's a little cramped isn't it" Jungkook says opening the window.
"It's because your used to 7 of us" Taehyung say throwing his arm over Jungkooks shoulder.

"Thanks for compromising guys" I say smiling at the empty seats next to me and Y/N.
"This is the only time" Jin says from next to the driver.
I laugh slightly and squeeze Y/Ns hand.

"So about the tour" she says quietly.
I sigh and roll my eyes, "Yes about the tour"
"You must call me everyday okay?"She says pointing at me.
"Of course"
"And if you feel even a little bit ill call me okay?"
"Because I'll make Jin look after you" She says rolling her eyes.
"And you need to get me a gift at each city" she says sternly.
"And if I see any video or picture of you with another girl outside of the fan meets I will flip" she says calmly.

"Just be safe okay" she says finally.
"Yes Y/N" I say rolling my eyes.
"What about you? Have you got any rules for me?" She says poking my hand.
"Yeah, no talking to guys" I say shrugging.
"What? No talking to guys at all?"
"Yeah, no talking to guys full stop" I say smiling to myself.
"Sure- I mean I'll be calling you everyday and texting you every minute so when will I have time to see guys?" She says poking my sides.

Every minute?

"Maybe that's too much- just don't leave me whilst I'm gone" I say smiling at her widely.
She sighs and kisses my cheek before resting her head on my chest.

"I promise I won't"



And that's the end~
I can't believe it's finished, it's been so long since I started it.

Oh my god its the 50th chapter n we're done kinda maybe?


I have 3 chapters lined up for what happens after so make sure you check the book because I don't have a schedule n it's like a fun surprise each time I update. Also there's some other chapters ahead such as like how they all met ect y'know that soppy shit.

Oh and I already have started writing a second book but that'll make sense once I release the other chapters

Thank you to the 5 people who gave me motivation to post by reading.
And the other people who might read after I finish this
You're pretty neat :))

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