Nadia x Reader

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Edited. 2019.
Originally written in 06/11/2017


I was sitting on the windows edge, staring at the stars. It was late August, time for shooting stars.

I always enjoyed the view-how they fall, leaving a trail of light behind them, which sadly dissapears immeadiately.

I was just looking at the stars, wandering with my thoughts, while a sudden knock on my door scared me. I almost fell.

I quickly jumped and closed the window. When I opened the door, I saw Nadia, all in her precious robes. She looked at me, I looked at her, slightly thinking what I've done.

"I hope you weren't asleep?"she started. "No, just thinking" I replied.

"Ah, great. I'm sorry to rush in, but (y/n).. My headaches don't leave me alone. I'm too desperate to remember..".

"It's okay, Cou--Nadia. Don't push it. You might hurt yourself. They'll come" I whispered.

"Ah, maybe you're right. I should wait. I'm just.. I just miss those memories. I want to remember how Lucio was.. I remember, I was married to him, but I don't remember anything about him as a person. Not even his voice".

I sighed. That sounded familiar. When I tried to remember how I met Asra.. The same happened.

"Would you like to join me to watch the stars?" I suddenly offered. Countess looked at me surprised, but agreed. I opened the window once more, and sat on the edge. Countess sat next to me, carefully, a bit farther from the edge.

"The night's beutiful, isn't it?" I asked. I didn't want to keep quiet. "Yes, it sure is" Nadia answered, wind playing in her hair.

"I like watching shooting stars. It's August, you can see most of them".

"It is true. I myself enjoy looking at the sky during my sleepless nights".

Suddenly, Nadia rested on me. I slightly flinched, but quickly restored. She was warm and soft. Not how I imagined. I thought her skin would be cold. But it isn't. Maybe The Countess is a very soft creature deep inside. Even tho I had a couple moments to see it. For example, when she named me 'her most important guest'.

Or took me for a walk at night.

Or when she just..cared for me. She isn't as she seemed at first sight. I thought she'd be cold-hearted queen wishing for Devorak's death. But no, she is not.

Her hair slightly tickeled my neck. I put my hand near her thigh, and her right hand touched it. Her touch was gentle, soft. I liked it.
"You're hands are cold.." she suddenly said.

"Are they?"I asked.

"Yes" she said, as she took my right and and put it near my left one, and putting both of them in a bowl she made out of her hands. And started blowing air into it. I felt how they warmed up.

"T-Thank you.."

"Don't thank me. I did nothing" she smiled. Her eyes looked deeply into mine. My face quickly blushed, her did also. When she let my hands go, I put my head on her shoulder. She exhaled deeply, but quietly. And her head appeared on mine.

Both of us sat there, staring at the stars, hunting the shooting ones. After an hour, she got off.

"Thank you" she said.

"For what?"I didn't understand. "For being here, helping me. You did more than I've ever ask. I'm glad, that I found you. That you agreed to come here. My headache is gone. I shall go to sleep. You should too."

I blushed, but nodded.

"Goodnight, (y/n). Sweet dreams".

"Goodnight, Nadia".

When she left, there was a lavender smell lingering in the air for a couple seconds. After that, it was gone also.

When I lied down, I still felt Nadia's touch. It was like an Angels kiss.

I was also glad that she invited me, and I agreed.

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