| ValdemarxReader |

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lmao the pic.
Art by: humaineimparfaite


Bruh some degradation.


"So that's how it's basically done" Nazali shrugged. Their eyes fell on us, the few people sitting on the couch and listening to the doctor.

Valdemar was dozing off, I tried to keep my interest too. I made too much heart operations with Valdemar to know something new. It's just.. I knew almost everything I needed.

Julian seemed to keep his interest in the matter. Asra, like a good student, kept asking questions while Nadia took notes.

I felt Valdemar's head lean on my shoulder. I knew that they have fallen asleep. It wasn't very nice, but I can't really do anything. He, most likely, could even have an "operation fight" in which they would see which one could operate a heart better.

"This is the anatomy of the heart. The two largest veins are aorta and superior vena cava.."

"What happens if the superior vena cava is blocked or clogs?" Asra asked.

"I was about to get on that matter. It is called 'Superior Vena Cava Syndrome', or SVCs for short. It's caused by cancer. SVCs is more common for people who have lung cancer or other cancers that spread to the chest. The cancer can cause SVCs in several ways..."

"A tumor in the chest may press the vein or might grow in it" Valdemar grunted. I haven't noticed when they've woken up. "Also, cancer can spread to the lymph nodes surrounding the superior vena cava. Then the lymph nodes may enlarge and press on or block the vein".

Nazali sighed "You're right".

"Valdemar, would you care leading this lesson?" Asra suddenly asked. A smirk played on his features, almost in a slightly mocking way.

"I'll pass".

"Oh, come on, I bet you would know better" Julian added. Oh god, this isn't going to end well.

"Still better than you".

"Oh really?"


"I doubt it".

"Fight me, you ceramic bitch".

This was escalating way too quickly. I decided to interfere. They had way too mny grudges on each other.

I saw Valdemar baring their teeth, their hand slipping in their pocket where they held their scalpels. Julian got his knuckles ready. Oh no.

"Oh great googly moogly, it's all going to shit" Asra cussed "I only wanted to tease them. Julian, you flaming shit show.."

"Enough" I said, stepping in between the opponents. Valdemar straightened, yet I noticed the mischevious flame still burning in their eyes. Julian scoffed.

"Y/N, I know that you care deeply for them, but please step out of the way" Jules snorted.

"No. Valdemar, please, compose yourself. You don't need to do this".

"I do. This is--"

"No, you don't! Listen to me, for once! You don't have to prove yourself, you know that you're taller, fiercer, stronger than him! Call your bloodlust for once, you caput stercoris!"

(A/N: Caput Stercoris = shithead).

Valdemar froze. Their eyes slightly widened. I saw how they parted their lips to say something, but were interrupted by Julian.

"Y/N, I think---"

"No one asked for your opinion, you abominable shit goblin".

Val snickered. Nadia had covered her mouth, while Nazali and Asra watched this escalation. I turned to leave. My wrist was caught and I snapped back.

"Darling, forgive me" they hummed, a slight mischievious smirk played on their face. I snarled. Valdemar noticed my unwillingness to submit, and with a quick twist of their body and a light push, they had me face to wall, one of my arms behind my back, trapped in their hand. I felt their lanky body lean above, their crotch rub against my ass as they whispered in my ear.

"Look at you, all smug. I can't tell wheter I want to make you bleed or moan now".

I felt a light blush creeping on my face. Val sure as hell knew how to make me flustered. But not this time! I glared backwards and tried to set myself free.

"Stop glaring, sweetheart. I know you want me".

I was about to yelp, but Val tightened their grip around my arm and pulled me out of the room. I saw everyone's wide eyes and questionable gazes. And Val seemed to ignore them. They pulled me to another room and locked it. I was blown on a big bed.

"Well well well, someone's been mean. You should apologize".

"Come here and make me then" I spat. Valdemar grinned, slowly climbed on top of me. I felt how hot I was. My vagina even got it's own heartbeat.

Without much note, Valdemar started ripping trough my lower clothing. Their nails lightly scraped my flesh, as they went trough the thin material.

Their red eyes were filled with lust, their sickly green skin in some parts were sweaty. When I was only left with my panties, they ripped off their own clothing, revealing their skinny, slightly muscular body. Their collarbone was very visible, and oh god it made me even hornier.

Speaking about horns.. Once I felt their lips on my inner thigh, my hands also went down. My fingers gently traced along their bandaged horns. I felt their long fingers slip into my southern region.

They gracefully moved, folding my sheets. I felt euphoric, but I was still mad at them. While thinking, I let out a hint of a moan.

"Are you enjoying it, my little slut~?" Valdemar's smoky voice reached my ears. I felt my lips tremble as their finger pace increased. I felt their smug grin.

When they pulled their fingers out, I was about to protest, but then, I felt a long, slick muscle take their place. My head shot up and I saw their gleaming eyes fixed on me while their nose was buried in my crotch.

They sucked, bit, licked, moaned and teased. I felt their sharp teeth graze my coochie sometimes. In response, I was a moaning mess, my hair surrounding me like an aura around my head. My forehead was dotted with clear sweat beads, my thighs were shaking.

I couldn't think straight. All I felt was their tongue. I could feel the turmoil in my stomach, I felt how close I was, I felt--

"Aaah~!" with a loud moan I came. Panting, sweaty mess I was. Valdemar stopped for a second, rose their head and licked their lips.

"That's all?"

What did they mean 'that's all'? I just had one of the best heads in my entire life.

"That's all I had to do?"


"Don't be an asshole".

Val snickered and came up close. Now we were face to face. Their fingers traced along my waist, over my ribcage and chest. They stopped in the gap between my boobs.

"I wonder, love, was it enough for you?"

"No" I snorted.

"As expect.. My little slut~".

Valdemar climbed on top, their crotch rubbing against my dripping one.

"We'll see if this will be enough".



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