Nadia x Reader

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UwU I decided to practice my homosexual relationship writing skills. Alongside, it was a request.

H/N- Horse's name

Requested by: Clingyfuhker

Pls let me know how it was? Also sorry, lmao, it's long

P.S. This is kinda AU-ish where the MC is a runaway and doesn't know Asra nor anyone else. It's quite some time till they'll know that they can do magic.



My horses breath was very heavy, but I still urged him. We were running at full speed, trough the forest and jumping over random branches and debris.

My horse slowed down, eventually started to walk. He refused to listen to me, and when he stopped, he shook his whole body trying to get me off.

I climbed down the horses back and took his reins, deciding to walk with him. I smelled his sweat, I probably even saw heat lines coming off of him.

My whole back was wet from the sweat. My breath was as heavy as (H/N)'s, making me pause from time to time. Even though I was quite far away, my heart was still racing, not letting me put myself at ease.

I ran away from Prakra. I wasn't sure what I was doing there, but I was living my life peacefully, until a march of guards barged in my little cottage, scaring my cat away.

"Y/N Y/L, you are under arrest!"

"WHAT?!" I jumped "What for?!".

"Do not act, you thief! You must obey our orders or suffer consequences!".

"I ask you, what am I accused of? I will disobey until you tell me what have I done!".

The guards grunted in annoyance. "You've been noticed in the market, snatching bread from sellers and coins from buyers. Now, please come with us".

I felt my blood boil. What is this shit? "I haven't done that! Last time I went to the market was a whole full moon ago!".

And then, a loud squeaking or whining noise came. My cat launched at one of the guards, scratching their face. They yelled in pain, while my cat bit their nose and tried to claw their eyes out. The other guards tried to help their friend, but the cat hissed at them.

The situation was hilarious.

One of the guards maned up and pulled the cat off by it's back fur. The cat meowed in a disapproving tone and swayed it's paws around the air.

"You come with us or we skin this beast!".

Something clicked. I grabbed a vase, threw at the guard, shattering it at their head. They didn't expect this and let the cat go. It ran away, while I hopped out of the window into the plains where I kept H/N.

Quickly, with fidgeting fingers I pulled on the reins and ran away. I heard the guards' yells and orders, and after some time hoofbeats. Luckily, by then I was deep in woods.

And now, I had no idea where I was. My horse was tired, I wasn't sure if my cat is still alive and whether they burned my cottage down or not.

While walking trough the forest, deep in wood, I thought I heard voices. My ears perked, eyes widened. I crouched down, trying to hide behind a bush.

H/N whined in disapproval.

"Shh!" I tried to shush him. He just swayed his tail, clipping his ears.

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