(Nadia x reader)

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Fluff, Fem!xFem!, Sick!Reader

                             * * *

"(Y/n), you must drink this".

Nadia's most used sentence for the past week. I managed to catch a somewhat extreme cold last week, and when Nadia heard my coughs, she lended me her bed.

Her bed.

When I heard what she was going to do, I immediately said 'No'. I could've just went back to the shop and made something for myself or just wait for Asra which was out on a god damn journey again. But, Nadia, of course sternly said 'No'. I repeat, 'No, you're staying here, in the palace, my bed. You can go back when Asra's back, who knows what could happen to you alone'.

I honestly loved to stay here. I loved that Nadia cared for me. I loved Nadia herself.

"It's yarrow tea. It should weaken your cough and help your throath which is sore" Nadia kept insisting. Without words I leaned forward and sipped from a brown cup. The warm liquid washed in my mouth and slowly slid down my throath, making the soreness go away.

"Th-Thank you" I managed to choke out. My voice sounded like I had a bunch of rocks in my throath and tried to speak. "Sh" Nadia hushed me "Save your energy". I complied.

For a second, Nadia turned away. While she wasn't looking, I sat up. When she turned back, a warm smile played on her face "I see you're getting better immediately. I believe that's the yarrow tea working". I only chuckled, since I knew the truth. I was getting better by Nadia being near me. "Probably" I smirked.

Suddenly, Nadia leaned in, wrapping her hands around my (short/tall;big/small) frame. One of her hands went behind my hair, carressing the nape of my neck. Her lips pressed gently against my hot forehead. My eyes widened for a second, but immediately my hands wrapped around her waist also. This was such a moment. Heartwarming moment.

I rose my head and my (e/c) eyes met Nadia's red ones. Her hand slid under my chin from my neck, holding my head as her lips crashed onto mine. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. Nadia's teeth grazed my lips, making me gasp through the kiss. Suddenly, Nadia lightly backed away, but only a couple centimeters. A gentle, quiet, soft whisper left her mouth.

"I love you".

And then, our lips mashed once more. My hands went up higher, to her neck, my fingertips pressing it. Nadia didn't need a response from me. She already knew it.

When we had to part for air, my eyes didn't open up for a couple moments. When they did, they met Nadia's eyes again. I smiled warmly, she answered me with the same. I invited her to come closer, ignoring my cold she did. Her hand slid onto my shoulder, covering it and warming me up. I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. When I felt Nadia's head on mine, I whispered.

"I love you too".

The Arcana characters X readerWhere stories live. Discover now