Portia X Reader

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⚠ FemXFem! request

Y/N caressed Pepi as she listened to Portia's mumbles "Julian did that, Julian did that.." while cooking dinner. Pepi purred under her fingers, as the (h/c)-haired girl chuckled.

"Portia, he'll be alright. He has been for the past 5 years, he can last a couple more" Y/N chuckled. "Yeah, he will. He will hide in 'Rowdy Raven' and drink, while thinking about his life.. Come, dinner is ready~".

"I can't, Pepi is in my lap. I think she's sleeping".

"Oh my god" Portia sighed out "When she's lazy, she's worse than Ilyushka".
Portia approached her, laying her fingers on the sleeping cat. "Yeah, she's asleep". "Well, I don't wanna wake her!" Y/N pouted. "Fine" Portia exclaimed.

The ginger handmaiden straightened and puffed her chest as she went to take out the bowls, while Y/N continued to pet the cat. Suddenly, Portia was gone from her view, but soon appeared again. She held two bowls of soup. "Hope you like (f/s). I wasn't sure about your favourite, so I made which I thought you'd like". Y/N's features suddenly painted a bright smile "It's my favourite~".

Portia sat on her left, holding her bowl close and giving the other one to her friend. Y/N carefully took the bowl. 'I hope I won't burn the cat' she thought.

As she brought the little spoon to her mouth, her eyes widened from the sudden taste. Multiple spices washed in her mouth, making her moan from the taste. "Oh my god, Portia" she looked at the handmaiden on her left, as she met her questioning gaze. "This" she spoke "This is amazing". Portia smiled brightly "I'm glad you like it~". And she whispered something under her breath.

"Beg your pardon?" Y/N straightened. Portia flushed in a light, reddish color "N-Nothing!". The (h/c) smirked "Say it~ You're all red~" she teased the blushing ginger.

"I said that.." her sentence hushed down. "Hmm? I didn't hear youuu~!". Portia looked at her again, straightened her back "So are..." she hushed down again. "Portia, spit it out". The small ginger female put ther soup down, stood in front of Y/N, took a deep inhale and..

"I SAID THAT SO ARE YOU!" she squealed out. Y/N's eyes were wide open, as a light blush colored her cheeks. Portia was a blushing mess, she covered her face with her hands. Pepi was startled from the sudden sound and layed now on Y/N's stomach, digging her nails in her clothes. Y/N put the soup down, took off Pepi and approached Portia. She took her hands in her own, and looked at her. Portia's eyes were glued to the ground.

"Portia" Y/N gently spoke "Look at me"

Portia shyly looked at the inviting female, and saw her trembling eyes. A spark of hope shone in her eyes as she noticed Y/N's genuine smile. "I think you're amazing too" the (h/c) female whispered in her ear, as she leaned jn to hug the blushing ginger.

Portia wrapped her arms around Y/N's waist, hugging it thightly. Y/N wrapped hers around Portias neck. Bith of the females stood for a couple of minutes hugging, sharing the warmth and whispering to each other about each other.

Once they parted, in between their legs Pepi started swirling. Portia chuckled gently and took the feline kn her arms as she straightened once more. Y/N's hands sneaked around Portia's shoulders, holding her, while she held the cat.

"I guess she's our first" Portia snickered. "Oh my god, Portia" Y/N gasped from the sudden comment, but soon bursted in to laughter "I guess she is".

Portia let the siamese cat go, while she went to pick up the bowls both of them ate from. Y/N and Portia went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and to chit-chat.

They spent the rest of the day in the cottage, enjoying each others company.

Word count: 666 ((:o

Hello! I'm sorry this was a little short. I rarely write homosexual oneshots, so I kinda need to practice more ^^'

Anyways, thank you for reading and voting! It means a lot to me :3

I should update soon again, I'll try not to make you wait long again ^^'

Bye for now, my reader-chans~!

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