Becoming a fugitive (Julian x reader)

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"My my, you look stunning!" Nadia whispered in my ear, while she was covering my neck with a bright and clear mountain crystal. It was attached to a gold chain, exposing me, my collar and the jewel itself. "Thank you, Nadia. You have a perfect eye" I said as I stood up, looking at myself in the mirror. I wore a purple gown and a light, dark dress, which was exposing my shoulders. Let's not forget that crystal. It looked like a little star that fell from the sky. I smiled, as I looked at my reflection and felt Nadia cover my shoulders with her hands "Hm, I think I sure do. But let's not keep our guests waiting. Let's go."

We opened the door and the whole crowd fell silent. Their looks fell on us. Nadia started "Dear guests! Thank you for coming this wonderful night. As you can see, I'm not alone here. Next to me is standing my guest of honor, (y/n)! Some of you may know, that one sleepless night I went to her shop, to seek for help. I invited her to come to the palace, to help me and my guards find the fugitive, which burned our beloved Count, Devorak. I asked her to find him to me within 13 days, because in 13 days was Lucio's birthday.. (y/n) accomplished my expectations and wishes,  fulfilled them. She found him in about a week, and currently he is rotting in one of our chambers.."

I sighed. I found him by accident. I didn't wanted to listen anymore, but I still heard Nadia's voice. I couldn't turn myself away. "..we will hang him  like he deserves it. In front of the crowd, all the town and keep him hanging for at least a week. People will be able to make fun of him, because that is what he deserves. Disgrace! Hate! No love! He is a roach, as I've said.. But all of this is happening only because of our magician, Asra's student. Rumor has it, that she's already way past him. Thank you again, for helping this town, me! The town will always be at your honor. Thank you once again."

I didn't want to hear it, how she would torture him. It was too much. This time I couldn't let my emotions take up, because I stood in front of a huge crowd of people, that were happy and at ease because I found Julian. I smiled at the crowd as they were clapping and yelling. I wanted to leave, but I currently had no chance. Nadia was hugging me in front of these people. I felt like a bug while being squashed. My insides were screaming.

When Nadia ended her speech, I left to my room. I needed some alone time desperately. I opened the window and started grabbing air from it, which I needed also. I felt like suffocating while I was standing there. I would love to speak to Portia now, but she was way too.. stressed. She was mad at me, but also sad at the same time. Like I would've betrayed her. I feel the same, actually. I just felt like I betrayed myself.

I closed the window and left my room. I went down to the halls. People were applauding me. I faked my smile again. I didn't want people to notice that I had any emotions for upcoming Devorak's death. I wanted to seem neutral. But inside I wasn't. I didn't knew why I was feeling something to him afterall. The story how I caught him was pretty weird also. I was just scanning through the streets, with 3 guards on my back. Nadia thought to give me more security, and that's why she pinned guards. So, while walking something happened, I slipped but landed on my hands. When I rose my head, some tall shadow slipped right in front of my eyes. I gasped, and the guards quickly reacted to it. I jumped to my feet, and dashed through a narrow street, hoping I'll get off the guards. But I failed horribly, the guards picked up to my pace and soon were ahead of me. Julian didn't see them and got caught. I am responsible for that anyways.. I had no intention to get him caught. I wanted to talk to him, and I wanted to see what would Nadi do, if Julian wouldn't have been caught.

And now he's rotting in the cell because of me. I felt, like I needed to do something. I left the halls, found the stairs leading to the lower floors. I took them and quickly were in the basements. On the right was other stairs, leading to other floors: the crime floors. I tried to move as fast as I could, because currently everyone was in the main halls. I rushed through the empty cells, because based by my knowledge, he was locked up in the last one, where were the darkest and wettest cells. As I approached, I whispered "Julian? Where are you?" , and something moved in the last one. Soon I saw long leathery limbs sticking through the railing "Death decided to come along. How come are you here?"  I heard a soft groan. I quickly approached and took the lock into my hands, looking at it, trying to figure out. Julian stared at my work. The light casted from the candle weakly lighted his face. "Why are you doing this?" he asked. "Shouldn't I?"  "Well, you were the one to get me here, heh" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It wasn't my intention. I though I'd get away from the guards, but they were quicker than I expected". Julian nodded and fell silent. I continued my work, focusing my thoughts on the lock. I started murmuring, and the lock clicked. "Bingo!" I whispered out. Julian opened the gate with a knock of his shoe and chuckled. "I think I ought to say thank you" he smirked. "You can say it later, we need to get out of here" I said. "Wait, we?" Julian didn't understood. I nodded and wanted to get out quicker. I knew, that Nadia will know that I opened the door. She has seen what I can and can't do. Julian didn't ask further, just quickly smashed the window that was in the middle of the wall. He pushed me through it and followed. As the window smashed, the alarm went on. Julian grabbed me and rushed down the palace meadow. I could hear the hounds already. Julian did also. He picked up the pace and as he approached to the wall, he stopped and pulled me up. I grabbed the edge and pulled myself up. He jumped up and pulled himself also. Soon, we were on the ground. Town was silent and dark, since everyone was at the palace. Julian grabbed me again and just dashed straightforward to the forest. When we reached it, he let me go. "You do have some endurance. How?" I asked when my feet finally touched the ground. Julian was walking around, breathing deeply. "Oh, just a thing you develop after running for 5 years, haha" he said.

We walked through the forest, to nowhere. Anywhere, but Vesuvia. We had to go as far as we could. "So, why 'we'?" I suddenly heard. "Nadia would know immeadiately. She has seen what I can do and what can't. And locks don't just open without keys." I replied. Julian nodded, he understood. Soon, I felt some weight on my shoulder and some leather near my face. My hands automatically rose and took his. He pulled me closer and held all the time since then.


Hey guys! As you can see, I used a slightly different style. Let me know what you think!

-D R K R

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