KnowYourAuthor meme!

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Full name: Dominyka "Boris" (it's more of a nickname) Brtv (I ain't sharing my last name, pls pardon me)

Age: As old as you need me to be :^)

Confession 1: I swear a lot :v And I mean A LOT.

Favourite food: eh, I don't eat much tbh, but I'll have to go with sushi probably.

Sexuality: Bi/Ace (still questioning)

Confession 2: I'm a bloody scout with 8 years of experience.

Favourite YouTuber: Eh, I don't think I have one, honestly. Prolly Minckies, since she's a really nice person and her art is amazing. Also, Amazing ArtSong. She's also nice and so is her art.

Why them?: Eh, like I said. They're nice, they're my art idols, heh.

Confession 3: I regret my first bloody "kiss". Honestly, the story behind it is cringy as fuck, so sit around children and listen to the story Author-chan will tell u.

I knew the guy for some time, he was nice and etc (lmao) and one day he offered me to be more than friends. Me, being a stupid ass that I am, I accepted. I fucking KNEW that he's a bloody fuckboy and still accepted. So, the next day he came over and he just like started rolling around and tried to kiss me. His tongue LITERALLY slid in my bloody mouth and so I fucking bit it. He kinda screeched and I almost died of laughter. I did apologise but ye.

I left him after 3 fucking days bc he didn't want anyhing else than nudes.

And now I get a shit load of messages from him asking for me to meet up with him.


Do you ever think of quitting school?: Maybe? I've actually thought about it once or twice, but since my grades are pretty high I don't really mind staying.

But staying at home would be fckn better sjbehscsvd dh

Is someone bullying me?: Honestly, yes. My class has a bloody hypocrite which is fucking annoying and all class fears him for some fckn reason. That fucking ass calls my mental illnesses a seek for attention. And other stuff.

I'll slice ur fucking throath u cuck


Confession 4: I have a thing for villains

Do you think you're beutiful?: Do you think a shrek x mole mashup would be beutiful?

Because that's what I am :')) A 56kg 5'3"  female with the face of a bloody mole.

When was the last time you got horny?: Ooh~ Uh, maybe last week? That shit happens for no reason :v Well, maybe because I write/read too much bloody smut.

Confession 5: Memes are my religion

Do you believe in aliens?: Yee. I mean, Y E E. And also all that paranormal shit™

What will I do if aliens envaded earth?: Enslave them and make them bring fictional characters to life.

Also kill that mfckn hypocrite.

Confession 6: I draw ponies

Do I believe in the zombie apocalypse?: Honestly, yes.

In the apocalypse, would I be a survivor or dead/infected?: Meh, prolly dead becus I want to die haha. Or a survivor bc I'm smol but I'll fight u. Idk

Confession 7: I play football
Confession 8: I have a Weimaraner dog. His name is Caesar.
Confession 9: I might break ur fucking neck if u annoy me
Confession 10: I want to live in the forest. I love forests.

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