Lucio x Reader

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Pt2 of the last Lucio part. Tbh this is more x Asra? But here you go.

4 years ago.

I shivered. The winter really bit me. The chills literally went down my spine. I curled into a ball, trying to get warmer, or at least, warm the little ball of.. something inside of me.

It's been around 6 months since Count Lucio kicked me out. And soon enough, I found out I was pregnant. Fucking great.

I pressed my eyes together, and crunched my clothes (or at least, what was left of them). And tried to survive the night.

"Hey?" a warm voice.

I shot my eyes open. Please, just not the guards, I can't run now..!

I looked towards that direction, where that nice voice came from. My eyesight was slightly blurry, but I made out a figure of a person. They weren't too tall and had white, curly hair.

"Hey? Are you okay? You know, you can't lay around. It's winter, you'll get sick".

Their kindness warmed my heart. My eyes focused, and I saw a slightly darker skinned male, bending in front of me. I shivered again.

"Dear God, are you pregnant?" his eyes widened "Dear, go home, it's unhealthy for you and your unborn child".

"I--" I muttered "I have nowhere to go".

"Come with me, then. I'll give you some warmer clothes, you'll be able to take a bath and have some food, if you're hungry. My name is Asra, by the way". He extended his hand towards me, rising me up. I wasn't sure if I could trust him, but he gave out that feeling, that he could be trusted.

After some walking, he led me to his shop. Instantly, my nose filled with wonderful scents. Asra didn't even have to open the door: they just radiated off of the house.

Indoors was even better: more scents, plants, weird stuff and pillows. I saw a small snake hanging from the ceiling. Asra probably noticed my widened eyes, and introduced me to the snake. "This is Faust" he said "She is my familiar. All of the magicians have one".

Asra let me take a shower, gave me fresh clothes and warm food. He even offered me tea. Later, he even offered me to stay over.

"I have a solely large bed" he spoke "You can stay with me, or you can sleep on the couch".

I slightly blushed "I'll sleep with you".

"Wonderful" Asra cheerfully smiled.


"Mamaaa!" Y/C whined "I want some cooookieeees!".

"Don't whine, Y/C" I slightly groaned "Also, I don't have any. Go ask your father". Y/C's smile widened as he ran off in search of Asra.

Asra and I got married after around 2 years of me living in his shop. He never asked me to leave, and always told me to stay as long as I need to.

Also, Asra knew that the child is not his, he's Lucio's. But he always took him in like he was his own. He loved him just the same, and never told him anything agressive, nor anything bad, in any case. Even when the kid did something bad, Asra simply sighed and forgave him. No punishments, no hits, nothing. Only talks, calm talks. Asra always made sure that Y/C understood, what he did.

I sighed. Asra came and affectionately rubbed his palms over my shoulders, down to my collarbone and hugged me from behind, purring softly. "Did you tell Y/C that I have cookies, again?" he asked.

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