Valdemar x Reader

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i'm so sorry i just can't get over Valdemar

I promise I'll write some (gay) Asra, Lucio, Nadia and Julian content but pls let me finish this fic w Valdemar.

The UwU doctor has beaten me.

Also i kept the demon-mc thingy. I feel like Valdemar would like someone horny (OwO)

Also I opened up Q&A. I'll write answers in some time.


5 years ago.

I laid lazily in between Valdemar's arms, while the doctor peacefully snored. I pulled my legs closer, curling up into a ball. Valdemar unconsciously curled around me.

Even if they were slightly frightening with their height and skin color, they were nice. They were caring, soft and cheerful. Most of Vesuvia liked them. Valdemar also took up a lecturers job, and now they had Julian Devorak as their.. student.

I felt thirsty and carefully wiggled out of their grasp and quietly went to the kitchen. I grabbed a little cup and filled it with water.

While I drank, I thought I heard a noise. While cup still in hand, I turned around and saw Vulgora. They were also a court member along with Valdemar.

They held a bat in their hands.

"Vulgora? What is--"

I saw them swing towards my head. I got a nice knock and fell. As if in slow motion, I saw the cup fall and shatter.

Darkness covered my world.

When I woke, I didn't understand where I was. The surroundings were unfamiliar, had a beautiful red color which also looked aggressive. I shifted to the side, uncomfortably. And heard the chains jingle.

"Ah? Have you woken up?"

A slightly screechy voice reached my ears. I swayed my head towards a hole in the wall, which probably indicated the door. Trough that hole came in Vlastomil. He's also a courtier.

"Vlastomil? What is going on?".

"So you are awake!" He clapped cheerily "Count Lucio should come soon, he'll explain everything to you~".

My brows furrowed. I wasn't going to deal with this shit. "Let me go. Now".

"I'm afraid I can't. You're probably the essential to my spell".

With a clank, a 'manly' scent and ego that could be felt miles away, in to the room stepped in Count Lucio. He had his usual shit eating grin and reddish eyes. I noticed, that his golden arm had pointy fingers.

"You see, I need to become.. Immortal. I need to reach the Devil and speak to him about this".

I froze up. I finally got what he meant.

He wants to kill me. He needs my blood to invite a demon. A demon can be only called with ones blood.

"I see you finally got smarter!" Lucio grinned even wider.

"I'd slap you, but you know, shit splatters" I growled. Lucio made a throaty laugh "Or you're just locked up".

I scrunched my eyes and focused my force on the male in front of me.


When I opened my eyes, I saw Lucio's head had turned and a red slap mark got brighter and brighter each second.

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