Julian x Reader

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I came up with this while buying my chemistry exercise book. Basically, here the reader takes Valdemar's role in every aspect, but Julian has taken a liking to her. Also, she's quite feisty.

Also, please request because I'm having a major writer's block.

I frowned at the thing laying on my table. What is this? It was so mutilated, even I couldn't recognise it. It was massive: it took up my whole operation table and it was rotten. Small flies flew above it.

Since it was rotten, it had a lovely scent. I scrunched my nose and put on the medical mask. Why did I agree to inspect it in the first place?

Ah, right.

Because I'm addicted to fucking nicotine. And the cunt named Lucio is the only one who can get me proper cigarettes.

When I rose the things leg, I accidentally knocked over my coffee. It fell on the ground and the cup gracefully cracked, shattering across the room.


"Now, is that a way for a lady to talk?"

I snapped back. In the doorway stood a tall figure, hidden by the shadows. Even without light I recognised them.

"Devorak. What the fuck do you want? I'm busy and I can't show you how to properly cut out the heart".

Julian lightly chuckled. One of his hands were behind his back. For a second I wondered what did he hide, but I didn't have to guess for long. From behind his back Julian pulled out a single, f/c rose. My eyes widened.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"None. I just felt like giving you a rose" he smiled sheepishly. He extended me the plant, but I hesitated. Why is he doing this?

Seeing my hesitations, Jules himself found a vase full of blood and just inserted it there. I quietly stood there, eyeing him and the plant.

"Fine" I said "Let's go for a smoke".

Julian enthusiastically nodded. I started thinking that he did this only for a cigarette,  no pure intentions. I wouldn't be surprised if that came out to be true.

Outside, behind the palace we stood there, quietly smoking. Julian couldn't stay calm, he was always pacing around. Maybe nicotine worked on him like caffeine? I made a mental note to not give him the cancer sticks next time.

But somehow, I felt that he came to me not for ciggies. I decided to ask.

"Oi, Ginger. What did you want?"

"What do you mean?" Julian bobbed his head to the side.

"You came to the dungeon. What did you want?"

"Well, first of all, I work there, and second.. You".



I locked my eyes on the male, standing a few feet away. He didn't even flinch.

"What the fuck" I blabbled.

"You see, I, uh.." Julian nervously scratched the back of his head "..uh.."

"Go on, Ginger".

"uh.. uhm.. I-Ilikeyou!"


"Did I stutter?"

"Yeah, you did".

Julian became a blushing mess. He kept on mumbling and fidgeting with his fingers. I got annoyed and slapped the back of his head.

"Snap out of it, Devorak! For fuck's sake, keep your shit together!"

He scrunched down, the mumblings died off. Then, he straightened his back and looked at me. His eyes were full of hope.


"Speak up".

"I like you. As in a romantic way".

I felt heat rising to my cheeks. It was my turn to become a blushing mess. Something inside of me felt warm, felt nice. I don't like to feel nice, I like to feel evil!


Julian's eyes were shaking and fixed on me.  I turned away.

"Ahem. Let's go to the dungeons, Ginger. We'll talk about it".


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