Cold Nights (Asra x reader)

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Another cold night walking down the street, hoping to find someplace safe, someplace warm which isn't overtaken by stray cats.

But I myself was almost a stray cat

I was just a human.

No place to go, no place to stay.

I had nobody. My family drowned. I was the only survivor.

People said, that they found me on the sand, leaning over a rock and mumbling "no, no, no.."

It's been a couple months. I learned to live alone, to live in the streets, to defend myself. To find a place safe to stay and make sure that nobody found me.

But that was in summer.

Now was winter. It was way colder even in Vesuvia.

I shivered walking through the alleys. My feet froze.

I needed to find someplace warm otherwise I might catch a flu. And I'm no doctor, I don't know how to cure it.

I walked through a magician's shop. I felt waves of warmth coming from there, I felt
food smell.


I don't remember, when was the last time I've eaten. Yesterday? Last week? Last month?

My ribcage showed perfectly. I was almost a walking skeleton.

I walked past the shop to the docks. I liked it there. It was pretty cold, but still. I loved the sound of the sea, birds and waves breaking into the dock.

I sighed. I wished we didn't went on that stupid trip. If we didn't, I would've had home, a little sister and a loving family.
And maybe a little reptile as a pet.
I couldn't cry. I've cried out all my resorts.
-Hey, you, on the docks. Aren't you cold?
I quickly turned around. Someone was standing behind me. I stood up
-N-no..-I mumbled. But my legs gave it all away.
-Come-the person said. He was taller than me, but not that tall. I saw him take off his scarf. I didn't really care what he would do, so I did. When I approached, I saw his white fluffy hair and eyes filled with love. He covered me with his scarf.
-You know, you might get sick if you walk like this.. It's almost winter. Where are your parents? Your relatives?
-Dead..-I said quietly. The guy stopped, but quickly started walking again.
-Oh, I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked that.. Come with me, I'll give you some tea.
I sighed quietly but I followed the person. He went into the..
The shop?

Was he the magician from the shop? I walked into the shop. Warmth covered me instantly. I let out a relieved sigh. The guy soon gave me a cup of tea.
-What's your name, may I ask?
-(y/n).. And you?
-I'm Asra. Nice to meet you! Oh my, you must be starving. Let me make you something-he quickly stood up when ne noticed my ribs. They were even showing through the clothes I wore.
-O-oh, it's not a problem.. I haven't eaten for long, I'll survive..
-For how long?-he asked
-Uh, I'm not sure. Weeks maybe?
-God, then you're eating right now. No buts-he made me sit, and after a couple minutes he gave me a bowl of soup. The soft smell of meat attracted me and soon I finished the bowl.
-T-thank you..-I muttered out.
-No problem! Do you have anywhere to go?
I shaked my head sadly. Asra gasped.
-Come-he suddenly stood up and took my hand, leading me into a backroom. There was a medium tub. He quickly filled it.
-Here, take a bath. I'll bring you some clothes.
I hesitated. I didn't want to make it seem like I'm using him. He was..too good.
But still, I threw off my garments and lied down in the tub. Warm water covered my skin and I sighed happily.
Is this really happening?
Does somebody want to help me?
Or is this just a dream and I'm actually freezing somewhere in the street?

After some time of thinking, I heard a knock.
-(y/n)? I brought you some clean clothes. I'll put them here.
-You can come in-I felt myself say.
Asra hesitantly came in. I hugged my knees. He put the robes next to the little sink.
-Your back.. I even see your ribs from your back..
I sighed sadly. He put a fresh towel next to the clothes he gave me and told me to take my time.

I sat there for a couple more minutes and got out. I heard Asra do something in the kitchen. I quickly dried myself (expect for hair) and pulled on the clothes he gave me. They were light and colorful.
When I came out, in the little hallway I saw a snake. I jumped on a shelf, saving myself from a short purple snake with red eyes. I started to

Suddenly, Asra came and started laughing. He came and picked up the snake and put on his neck. I blenched.
-Oh, don't be scared. This is Faust. She is my familiar.
He offered me his hand and I took it. He helped me get off of the shelf. I stared at Faust. Her tongue was little and pink. Asra smiled and led me to his kitchen again.

When I sat, he gave me another cup of tea. This one smelled like lemons.
-It will warm you up-I heard Asra say. I sipped it a little. It was tasty. Asra looked at me smirking.
-You know, you can stay here as long as you want-suddenly he said. I almost choked-I could teach you to tell fortunes and magic. You could be my apprentice.
-Oh, but won't I be too much..-Asra didn't let me finish my sentence. He swayed his hips and said:
-No, you won't.

Soon, I yawned. Asra noticed that and led me up to a room, full of books and with a pretty big bed in the middle.
-You can sleep here-he said.
-No.. You should sleep here.
-Then both of us will sleep here-he chuckled. I lied down on my side. Asra came soon and

Hugged me. I blenched. But after a couple whispers of his that everything will be okay, I calmed down.
And fell asleep.

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