Chapter 1

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*I updated this chapter after publishing it, so it's now different than what was written before.

Therefore, if you see this message, you are reading the updated version.*

Hellooo! Welcome, to the first official chapter of The Mistakes That Came After! I hope you enjoy and you do not click off of the book at any moment! Thank you!

I think I'm going to be good again..

Everyone thought it was a good idea, rather than me beating everyone's asses and just being abominable in general. Therefore, I was down to try it out again. I wanted to-..


Let me reintroduce myself.

For the people who don't know. Hi.. I am Sabrina Lindea Lawley. Yeah yeah I'm Kian Lawley's sister, guys, come on, we've been over this before. I am 18 years of age and as of now, my record for this year is completely clean! Which means I am no longer a rebel.. 

Surprising right? If you knew my life story before all of this, I'm guessing you're completely surprised.

I was bad, but not the type of bad that you think. Yes, I was trouble, but not that bad. I stole, I fought a little-.

Try again..

Okay, I fought a lot, you caught me. No I'm not a hoe, I am a pure little devil child who is nice to everyone who doesn't annoy me.

Try again..

Fine! I'm far from pure okay? I'm also not nice to anyone, even if they don't annoy me, I just hate humans in general. I fought for a reason though guys. I was easily pissed off and I hated when people bossed me around..

Anyway, let's move on to a more personal level.

My favorite colour is blue, my favorite food is pizza, between Jacob or Edward, it's definitely Jacob, and I still don't like people bossing me around.

Now, let's move on to my new story. I, Sabrina Lawley, am no longer bad. I am good and I have been for months now. It's all apart of this little pact I stupidly made and I regret it so much.

First mistake..

Britney and McKenna said they were going to be mean to me this year, but just for a little bit to see if I was actually committed to being good again.

I should've known they were lying when they decided it would be best if they moved out. They said if I asked them to move back in, then I lost. I would lose the dedication I had to be the good person I needed to be.

I stupidly agreed to that, I was dumb enough to not ask them to move back in after two months of being alone in that house. I got straight A's for those two months so far, just to show I was still committed. After three months, I asked them if they wanted to move in or not, but they laughed and just told me off.

They called me dumb and naive, they told me I was really stupid if I didn't see right through their lies and plans, but I did, yet I was dumb enough to not stop it sooner. They wanted to take over the school, they wanted to be the old me, bullying people and bossing them around.

This is why I never wanted friends.

I never listened to the warnings of people telling me not to ever trust them, or that I was too good to stoop to their level. I never listened though, I became friends with them and stooped to their level anyway. That's how my bad act all began, all because of them.

They bossed me around too, yet I still managed to keep my head up and not show them who the real me is. Well, who the real me was.


I shouldn't have became good, I knew it! If I became good, people would finally take the chance to step all over me. I can't deal with not being able to choke someone out or put them in their place when they push me in the halls, scattering my belongings. Yet I deserved this, I finally knew how other people felt when I did this.

I wasn't this bad though.. I didn't boss people around for no reason. I only did it if they were to piss me off, but Britney and McKenna, they were different. They push innocent people around, believing that they are below them and don't deserve to even look at them.

They've pushed me around a few times, but they still haven't completely gotten under my skin. I don't push them back or curse at them, I just pick up my stuff and keep walking, no matter how hard they push me into the lockers or onto the ground.

Until now, I can't take it anymore.. I've been good for months, but now it's time for a change. It's time to show them who they secretly miss. Who everyone wants to finally stand up to those girls and put them back in their damn places. Who these girls still and always will fear.

Time for the real me to make another, let's say "special appearance.."
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter introduction!

Words- 882

The following chapters will, mostly, all be over 1,000 words, but this was just the introduction, so I wanted to keep it cute and short, hehe.






Thank you alllll!


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