Chapter 25

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Elliot's Pov
I don't understand what has gotten into Sabrina lately. She's been so- not her. The little incident with Britney resulted in her getting suspended for a few days and Britney only getting in-school suspension for a few days; due to her sugarcoating her side of the story and them not being able to tell from the video what was really happening.

It was Sabrina's first suspension of the school year, so to say she was upset is an understatement. I feel bad for her, not only because she's my girlfriend, but because I feel like she's been working hard to maintain a clean record for this year yet people keep messing with her.

I just don't want her to give up when she only has to last a few more months, but her suspension seemed to take a toll on her already.


"Baby," I mumble, rolling my eyes when she just shifts slightly on my bed. "Baby," I say again, curling my fingers into her hair and feeling her relax slightly. "Sabrina," I drag out, sliding my hands along her waist and she quickly jumps away from me, falling off of the bed.

"You asshole," she mumbles, glaring at me as she stands up and sits down. "It's just one suspension baby," I say and she frowns slightly before slouching against the headboard. "It's still a suspension. I've been good for what 5 months? Then I lose my temper with a stupid bitch one time and it ruins everything," she frowns, glancing over at me.

"Did you really have to choke her though?" I question, a teasing smile making its way to my lips and she rolls her eyes. "You do it all the time and I didn't want to punch her and leave a bruise for evidence," she says and I raise an eyebrow. "Tell that to the handprint around her neck. And I don't choke you in an aggressive manner," I say and she shrugs, suddenly coming over and straddling me.

"What are you doing," I ask, my hands instinctively placing on her hips. "Nothing," she mumbles, placing her hands under my shirt and I shiver slightly due to the coldness of them. "Sabrina," I warn and she chuckles, one of her hands moving to play with the strings of my sweatpants.

"Let's go to the mall," I speak up, watching her hands untie the string and feeling my sweatpants slightly loosen. "The mall?" She asks, glancing up at me for a second before continuing to do 'nothing.'

"Yes. You can go to whatever stores you want, get whatever you want, and I'll pay," I say and she quickly glances up, a small smile playing on her lips. "You don't have-"

"Get dressed," I cut her off and she furrows her eyebrows as if in deep thought before a smirk appears on her face. "In a little bit," she whispers, leaning down and pressing her lips against mine, her hand suddenly slipping into my sweatpants.


Sabrina's Pov
We walked into the mall, already seeing people flooding the food court area. "Fatasses like me, I love it," I say, seeing Elliot roll his eyes. "You aren't fat shut up," he mumbles, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the shopping area. I quickly pull him into Victoria's Secret and hear him chuckle at my quiet squeal of excitement.

"10 panties minimum and 10 bras minimum," he says and my eyes slightly widen before I shake my head. "Don't disobey me right now, Sabrina," he narrows his eyes at me for a second before a boyish grin forms on his lips. "Now hurry up," he winks and grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him further into the store.

I ended up getting exactly 10 of each item, despite his protest, and also 2 lingerie sets before we quickly moved on to the next store; Forever 21. Elliot followed me around the store like a lost puppy, telling me to get what I want and suggesting some things. I basically shook my head to all of his suggestions considering they were clothing items that "didn't show off anything," also known as ugly sweaters and loose pants.

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