Chapter 23

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Sabrina's Pov
    I slowly opened my eyes, shifting on the bed and groaning out at the pain I felt in my lower body. I turn slightly, looking at Elliot sleeping soundly, his arm resting around my waist.

He gets to sleep soundly while I wake up in pain, how fair.

"Wake up, asshole," I whisper and he shifts, yet he doesn't wake up.  I try to get up, only for his arm to tighten around me and he pulls me closer. "Where are you going?" He asks, his voice husky and raspy, making me shiver slightly against him. "Fuck you," I mutter, feeling him slide his hand up my body before wrapping it around my throat.

"Watch who you're talking to, unless you want me to remind you why you're sore," he whispers in my ear before placing a soft kiss on my neck. I quickly get up, ignoring his statement and making my way, or limping my way, to the bathroom. "I told you that you couldn't handle it baby," he teases and I roll my eyes, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

School starts back up tomorrow and I am not feeling it at all. That means I have to go back to hell and stay there for almost six more months. I hate everyone there, why couldn't school just be every other day for 3 months? I had to see the same annoying fuckers 5 days a week, why?


Remembering her instantly killed my mood. I hoped she listened to me and got her fake ass out of this school. I swear if she didn't, she'll wish she did because I-

I get pulled out of my thoughts from Elliot banging on the bathroom door. "What," I mumble, taking the toothbrush out of my mouth and rinsing it off. "Why is Jc texting you?" He mumbles back, causing me to immediately swing the door up, seeing my phone in his hand.

"I don't know, Idiot," I say, snatching my phone and reading the message on the screen.

Jc☁️: Are you busy today?

I furrow my eyebrows at the message, taking a glance at Elliot to see him already staring at me.

First he ignores me when we were at my mom's house, then he texts me out of the blue. What?

Sabrina😕: No.. Why?

"You aren't going out alone with him, I hope you know that," Elliot mutters, walking over to the shower and turning it on. "How do you know he was planning to take me ou-"

Jc☁️: Meet me at the cafe by Gloster at 2, we have to talk.

I stopped speaking as I read the message, biting the inside on my cheek slightly. "Like I said, you aren't going out with him," he says, putting my phone on the counter after taking it out of my hand before pulling me into the shower with him.

After we got out, I got dressed in one of his hoodies with a pair of leggings. It was already 1:40 and I hadn't convinced Elliot to let me meet Jc yet. "Ell-"

"No," he cuts me off, not even sparing me a glance as he stared at his phone. "You don't even know what he wants," I whine, playing with the bottom of his hoodie as I sat on his lap. "Nor do I give a fuck, Sabrina," he mumbles, glancing up at me annoyingly before looking back on his phone.

"Think of it as payback for you leaving me yesterday," I challenge and I feel him tense up, making me raise an eyebrow. "Shut up," he suddenly says, placing his phone down and picking me up as he makes his way down stairs.

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