Chapter 19

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Sabrina's Pov
    I woke up content, the feeling of Elliot's arms wrapped around me and his breathing against my neck causing a feeling of relaxation and security in me. He whines slightly when I try to get up, tightening his grip on me. "Don't go," I shiver slightly when he whispers in my ear, placing a soft kiss on my neck afterwards.

I turn to face him, placing a soft kiss upon his lips and pulling away before he could react. He frowns before leaning down to kiss me but I turn away, childishly grinning as I do so.

"Stop it," he whines, grabbing my chin and turning my head towards him, placing his lips on mine gently. I smile into the kiss, placing my hand on his cheek. "Good morning beautiful," he whispers and a blush forms on my cheeks as I smile wider. "Good morning baby," I whisper back, kissing all over his face which earns me a soft chuckle.

"Join me in the shower?" I tease getting up and going over to grab a towel from the closet. I peak over at him, seeing him glancing over at me with a look in his eyes. He closes them before looking up at me and saying, "no, go take a shower, Stinky."

I roll my eyes as he playfully holds his nose before smiling and looking down at his phone, laying back down. I take a quick shower, not wanting to take long just so I could hurry and go eat breakfast.

Who could resist food?

I walk out of the bathroom with the towel tightly held around my body, glancing up to see him staring down at his phone intently. "Excuse me," I say, seeing him glance up at me but still ignoring me.

"When I walk into the room you acknowledge my presence young man," I state sassily, standing in front of him and finally seeming to get his attention.

"Who are you talking to?" He questions, sitting up so his legs were on either side of me and mine between his. I stared at him for a second, debating my answer before deciding against starting anything.

It's not that I didn't want to, I just wanted food.

"Go take a shower, Stinky," I mock his words, leaning down and playfully glaring into eyes before standing straight up and going to my drawer. "Get dressed first, so I can't watch," he winks earning nothing but a glare from me. "Go take a shower you pervert," I say going through my clothes to decide what to wear.

"Only for you," he whispers in my ear as he walks by, kissing my cheek in the process before going into the bathroom.

I dressed in a white, one-sided off the shoulder sweater and light blue jeans, hearing the shower turn off as I begin doing my hair. I decide to do just a messy bun, not really wanting to do any straightening or curling to my hair.

Elliot steps into the room, his eyes immediately meeting mine before scanning over my body. My heart warms at the smile he gives me when he meets my eyes again. "You're so fucking gorgeous. Oh my Lord," he throws his head back dramatically and I laugh, a blush forming on my cheeks.

What did I do to deserve him.

"Thank you, Elliot. But on that note, you're taking too long and I want food," I speak with a pout and a look flashes across his eyes but is gone before I could read it. "Go eat," he frowns, pulling out clothes from his drawer.

I nod not missing a beat as I walk out of the room and close the door behind me, going into the kitchen. I go to the counter, seeing a note left on it.

Went last minute Christmas shopping, be back soon! Breakfast is inside the microwave btw. -Mom, Izzy, & Kian.

I open the microwave, smiling at the waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage that laid within it. "Don't go in the room, alright?" Elliot suddenly pokes his head around the corner and says. "Why?" I question, biting a piece of bacon and nearly moaning at its amazing taste.

"Because I said so," he states, walking over, taking my bacon out of my hand, and winking before walking back into my room. I pout slightly, grabbing the last piece of bacon from the microwave.

Now I only had one to eat.

I childishly glare at the bacon as if it was its own fault for being the last one, but smile slightly as I bite into it.

Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me, but- oh well.

Elliot's Pov
    I bought Sabrina a gift. I know she told me not to, but I couldn't help but get her this necklace I saw at the jewelry store as I was walking by. She might be a little upset because of my actions, but I love her too much to just not get her anything for Christmas.

I sat against the bedroom door in order to make sure she couldn't come in. Staring down at the wrapping paper, I huff out as I looked at the crumpled edges from me trying multiple times. I decide to cut off a few sides to see if length was the problem here, and it was.

After cutting off some pieces, it was easier to wrap and I finally half-neatly wrapped the gift up. I write her name at the top right corner, writing mine in the top left. Walking out of the room, I go over to the Christmas tree and place it under it, feeling her eyes on me the whole time.

"Yes my love?" I question, looking up at her as she looks back and forth from me and the tree. "What's that?" She asks, a small smile threatening to play on her lips but she suppresses it. "A gift. No more questions," I state, walking over to her and lifting her off of the couch.

She squeals quietly as I pull her into my chest, my hands wrapping around her waist. "Can I have a kiss," I ask with a pout, seeing her look down at my lips for a second before pecking them, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah no," I say, lightly grasping the side of her jaw and pulling her into a kiss. I feel her body relax as our lips meet, the movement of them slowly intensifying. She pulls away, laying her head on my chest as we stand there in silence for a few seconds.

The door suddenly opens and in comes everybody else from the household. I feel Sabrina shiver against me as the cold air from the door rushes into the house. "Keep facing that way! Nothing to see here," her mom says innocently, a small smile forming on my lips as I hear the shuffling around me before silence engulfs us again when everybody's bedroom door closes.


We all sat at the dinner table, Izzy chatting about how much trouble she went through to pick out different gifts. "I thought Jc was supposed to be here for Christmas Eve," Ms. Lawley states and I see Sabrina visibly freeze up beside me.

"He was planning to, but-" Kian trails off, glancing over at Sabrina and I. "He didn't want to come because me and Elliot are here?" Sabrina questions, the slight tone of hurt in her voice makes my heart clench slightly. "I didn't think that would stop him," she frowns this time, a crease forming between her eyebrows.

She wanted to see him.?

I look over at her, and I knew she felt me looking at her because she starts fiddling with her fingers and she puts her head down. "May I be excused?" I basically say rather than ask as I scoot my chair back, getting up and walking into the bedroom.

She wanted to see him.

Every time something about him comes up she's always sad or mad and I- I don't know.

Am I not enough?

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