Chapter 2

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Sabrina's Pov
Today's the day.. Today is the day I'm done being good, the day I stand up to everyone who has bullied me just to show them I'm not weak, to show them who they've been messing with and who they think they've been hurting with their little games.

So, let the games begin..

Britney and McKenna walk up to the table I sit at, along with the people that wanted to be friends with me.

I know, shocking right?

"Why are you sitting here?" Britney asks, tilting her head and smirking evilly at me, that stupid little glint in her eyes as always. "Because I can, go away," I roll my eyes at her and push my tray away, losing my appetite immediately. I laugh slightly when my friends immediately steal the food off of my tray.

Greedy friends are my favorite..

Anyway, you see, the thing about Britney is that she thinks I'm going to be little miss perfect forever and continuously be scared of her and her little minion. I've told you this once, I'm tired of being good, this could be my chance. I could also easily turn McKenna against her, especially since Britney treats her like she's her own personal servant.

"This isn't your table," Britney scoffs, the cafeteria going silent to listen to the conversation.

As always..

"I'm sorry, didn't realise your name was on it," I pick up my empty tray, the others doing the same, looking around for her name on the table.

"Oh wait.. It's not," I frown, forcing a look of confusion on my face before looking back at Britney with a small smile. "Fuck off," Britney says before elbowing McKenna, gesturing for her to say something.

"Isn't that a shame," I speak standing up, Britney automatically taking a step back.

See, she's not that dumb..

"Oh poor old McKenna," I gasp dramatically, staring at her in pity and she raises her eyes up to look at me for a split second. "It's a real shame how you just let Britney control you. It gets annoying doesn't it? Being her little peasant, her little doll," I chuckle softly staring at her now glossy eyes.

"Hey," I coo wiping the tear that fell from her face, causing her to flinch away angrily. "Bad girls don't cry," I whisper, a smirk appearing on my face.

I'm slowly realising that this is not how a good girl should act. Guess this is where it truly begins.

"Oh," Britney says surprised, staring at me in confusion. "I could have sworn you cried half of the time we were at your brother's house," she says and McKenna's eyes widen as she stares at Britney, beginning to back away slowly.

A smile remains on my face as I tilt my head slightly. "You say that like you didn't cry when my brother refused to have sex with you," I say and her face goes red as her fist ball. A couple of people cover their mouths, an 'ooh' sound erupting from them.

"I mean, come on Brit. You can't expect someone to just be down to have sex with you," I roll my eyes, leaning against the table while crossing my arms. "Especially when he had eyes for someone who wasn't you," I continue, giving her a hint by shifting eyes towards Mckenna.

"Shut up! You aren't allowed to fucking call me Brit! So shut up and just sit!" She yells, stomping her foot childishly, causing me to laugh.

"Woof!" I bark out, laughing again and beginning to circle her as the people around laugh slightly. "This isn't how good girls act," she says staring straight into my eyes when I stop in front of her.

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