Chapter 27

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Sabrina's Pov
  I smiled brightly as I walked across the stage after hearing my name called over the microphone. I'm finally graduating after 4 horrible years in high school, and to say I am happy is an understatement.

I sat back down, listening and watching as other students walked across the stage too; cheering when Elliot's name was called. Laughter filled the building when he did a little happy dance before walking off the stage and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Families and friends cheered in the stands when the last person was called before sitting down. Some people threw their graduation caps up as the final announcement was made to congratulate us.

I reunited with my family as I stepped outside of the building, smiling at the proudness they showed towards me. "I know I don't say this enough, but I really am proud of how you've grown, Sabrina. I'm so proud to see you make it this far and I can't wait to see where life takes you," Kian says with a warm smile, pulling me in for a quick hug.

"Thank you, Ki," I smile back, returning the hug before pulling away. "I don't have anymore babies in school anymore. God, I'm so proud of you," my mother coos, brushing my hair out of my face before kissing my cheek and hugging me.

I make eye contact with Elliot, his eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on his lips as he looks at me.

We had another argument before we got here; we've been having a hell of a lot of those lately. This one just happened to be slightly worse than the others, leaving us to completely ignore each other for a day; yet he pushed me to ride with him here.

I admit that I miss him. I miss hugging him and kissing him and just talking to him. I saw him hug his father earlier before he had disappeared, now he stood by his mother and sister; not paying attention to the words his mother spoke.

Her eyes met mine and she narrowed them slightly before a frown also crossed her features and she looked back at Elliot,  saying something that got Elliot's attention. He looks at her before nodding his head and making his way over to me.

I quickly look away, playing with the necklace around my neck before turning back towards my mother. "I know I told you I would stay with you the whole day, but I have to leave baby. I'm so sorry and you know if I could stay I would, but something came up and I promise you I will visit at any chance I get," she speaks quickly, a frown on her lips and she pulls me in for another hug.

I hear her sniffle slightly and I sigh out, hugging her back. "It's okay," I whisper, pulling away and leaning into her touch when she places her hand on my cheek. "I love you honey," she says, playing with my hair slightly. "I love you too," I whisper, watching her retreating back as she walks away.

"Hey," I don't turn around when his voice fills my ears, not needing to turn to see who it is. "We did it," he says and I turn around, looking at the saddened smile that played on his lips. "We did," I say, looking down at the ground and shifting on my feet.

"I love you. I'm sorry, baby. I get where you're coming from. I was too selfish to see it before, but I get it. You want to be with someone who you know for a fact will have time for you, maybe it's not me," he whispers, my heart breaking at his words and I automatically feel tears weld up in my eyes.

"I got accepted into Bradsworth. I can actually pursue my dream. Be a lawyer, at least I'll be able to support my family. Good money, you know? I hope you'll stick around, and I hope you are the one to help raise a family with me. I can't lose you, but if you still don't believe we'll get through it, then I'm not going to pressure you into staying with me," he says, the pain behind his words only causing the tears to fall freely down my cheeks.

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