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*1 year later*

Sabrina's Pov
  I closed my computer as I finished my online assignment for my college course. I had finally figured out what I wanted to be; a pediatrician. I also manage to do YouTube on the side; posting inspirational videos and sometimes challenges for comedic purposes.

I'm surprised that my YouTube channel is doing quite well; I'm on the road to 1 million subscribers with 969k so far. I turn 20 in two months, and to say I'm excited is an understatement. I moved into a new place, something suggested by my therapist, and it has helped with my attitude and stress.

I'm also glad to say I am a changed individual. I have finally managed to put my past behind me, and have also stepped up to apologize to those who I have hurt. Someone who I plan to meet up with today, of course, being Elliot Parker.

Elliot and I have kept little to no contact after our breakup. I was too selfish to admit I was wrong, and he did nothing wrong so he didn't have to admit anything. I realized how much I let my past affect my relationship or friendship with anyone, but it's hard to go through something like I did and not push people away.

I had to compose myself and come to my senses before trying to befriend anyone. I've also been trying to work on my insecurities; as in working out to get my body right and going to therapy to cope with my past better.

I felt it would be rude of me to apologize to him over text; so I asked him to meet up with me. I'm both glad and shocked that he agreed, and he didn't seem hesitant about it at all. I still loved him, of course, and I would hope that he gives me another chance; if not relationship wise then friendship wise. 


Elliot's Pov
   I started college maybe a month or so after graduating high school. I wanted to get straight into my career; in which I changed to a Doctor. Of course I use to want to be a lawyer, but when Sabrina and I broke up I realized that she was right, in a way.

I definitely would be away a lot if I became a lawyer, and I don't want that. I want to be there as often as I can for my wife and my family.

My 'dad' had moved away and my mom took in my sister, leaving me to have this house all by myself. She asked me if I wanted to move in with them, but I said no. I'm already 20 and I did not want my mom listening in on whatever happened with my future girlfriend.

I cringed at the thought.

My 'dad' is still paying for this house, I guess as an apologetic gift or something of that sort; but once I start a family, I will take over and pay for everything myself.

I hadn't bothered trying to date anyone else because, if we're being honest, I planned on trying to make Sabrina and I work. Of course I still love her, she was everything I needed, when she wasn't being stubborn.

I wish we would've talked more after our breakup, that way going into everything would be much more easier, but I also understand that we both needed time away from each other to figure ourselves out. I was surprised when she asked me if she could come over to talk to me.

Receiving that message made me realize how much I've been wanting to see her and how much I miss having her stubborn ass around.


My heart jumps when the sound of my doorbell goes off. I get up from my bed, quickly going down the spiral steps and to the front door. I waiting a few seconds, composing myself, before opening the door and taking in the girl that stood in front of me.

My eyes went over every detail of her outfit and body

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My eyes went over every detail of her outfit and body. She had changed physically, showing that she had been working out, and damn did she look good.
Her curves were definitely more defined and the dress she wore made her-.

"Elliot," her voice pulls me out of my thoughts, a red tint to her cheeks as she looks down. "Stop checking me out," she mumbles, biting her lip to prevent herself from smiling. "Sorry. Uh, come in," I say sheepishly, moving out of the way so she could step inside.

She follows me up the stairs to my room and sits on the couch in front of the tv. "Thank you for agreeing to meet up with me," she says quietly, playing with a bracelet on her wrist. "I would've met up with you whenever you wanted me to," I say and she looks up in surprise before composing herself.

"I thought it would be rude of me to apologize to you over text, so I wanted to meet up. Elliot, I am really sorry. I'm sorry for being a handful. I'm sorry for treating you so horribly when you treated me so well. It's just- if anyone were to go through what I went through without talking to someone about it, telling someone about it, those emotions get to you, you know?"

"And I apologize to you especially for treating you as if you're the one who hurt me, when in reality you wanted to help me-"


"Please just let me talk," she begs, and my heart tightens when tears begin to form in her eyes. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, Elliot. Breaking up with you was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I missed you every second and every minute, but I knew I couldn't come back because I would only end up hurting you again."

"I decided to work on myself and get myself together. I started going to therapy to try to relieve stress and I started working out to try to get rid of my insecurities-"

"You should have no insecurities, you've always been beautiful and fit. You working out is just bringing even more attention to you and I don't want other gu-" I stopped when I realized what I was about to say.

"Wanna finish that sentence?" She teases, a small smile forming on her lips as she looks at me. "I forgot what I was gonna say," I lie and she laughs, shaking her head. "I missed you," I whisper, moving a strand of hair out of her face and glancing at her lips.

"I missed you too, Elliot," she whispers back, and I notice her slightly lean into my touch. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask and she shakes her head quickly.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She retorts, leaning closer to me. "I wish," I mumble, examining over her figure again before glancing at her lips. "Who do you wish was your girlfriend, Parker," she says teasingly, a playful grin on her lips.

I bring myself forward and lightly brush my lips against hers, hearing her sigh softly.

"You," I mumble against her lips before doing what I should've done as soon as she got here.

Connected my lips with hers.


Words: 1219

Hii. I am going to write 2 bonus chapters, so this isn't quite a goodbye yet! I'll say my official goodbye for this book in 2 "chapters."


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