Chapter 24

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Sabrina's Pov
It was now almost 10 o'clock at night, yet Elliot still wasn't home. He hadn't texted me once since he has been gone, and my anxiety was slowly pressuring me into calling him for the 5th time. I sat on the couch in his room staring up at the tv, but not paying attention to what was playing.

I jumped up when I heard the downstairs door shut, quickly walking to his bedroom door and pulling it open. My breath gets caught in my throat as Elliot looks up at me from the bottom of the steps; a bruise on the side of his jaw and blood slightly coming out of his nose.

"Elliot," I breath out while making my way down the stairs, he looks down, not uttering a word. "What happened?" I ask, my hand coming up to his bruised jaw and he moves out of my grasp. "I'm okay," he whispers, placing a hand on my cheek. "No you're not," I mumble, pulling him up the stairs; not hearing any protest from him.

He leans against the sink when we enter the bathroom, a distant look in his eyes as I wipe his face off with a washcloth. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I ask and he glances up at me, shaking his head. "Not right now," he says, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me against him; only to wince and slightly pull away.

I move away from him with furrowed eyebrows, reaching forward and lifting up his shirt. I sighed at the cut, that didn't appear to be that deep, on his stomach. "Who did this, Elliot," I mutter, placing the cloth on his stomach and feeling him flinch away slightly before repositioning himself again.

"It doesn't matter," he plainly states and I sigh, turning around and walking out of the bathroom. He calls my name, but I continue walking, picking up my bag from the ground. "Where are you going?" He asks, a frown on his face as he examines me. "Take me home," I mumble turning around, only for him to grab me by my wrist.

"No," he says, taking my bag out of my hand and placing it back on the floor. "Are you apart of a gang or something? Why the hell don't you trust me. I've been fucking worried about you all day and you don't care enough to give me one ounce of information about why the hell you came back so late and why the hell someone has physically hurt you, Elliot," I cry out, his eyebrows furrowing as he takes in my expression.

"I'm sorry, baby. Okay? No I'm not apart of a gang, I don't have the balls for that type of shit," he mutters, placing a hand on my cheek; but I move away. "But you have the balls to meet up with someone who could've hurt you more than they've already done," I whisper and he doesn't respond; he just stares at me.

"You're not telling me anything, so take me home or I'll walk home," I mumble, reaching to pick me bag up again but he stops me. "You're staying here," he says, pulling me firmly into his body. "You don't control me. I'll leave if I want to," I state trying to get out of his grasp on my hips, only for it to tighten.

"I do control you," He retorts, narrowing his eyes at me. "No you don't," I say, raising an eyebrow and feeling him circle his thumbs over my hips soothingly. "Forgive me," he mumbles against my lips, making me completely forget what we were arguing about the moment his lips touched mine.

I needed to be stronger than this..

I pulled away, crossing my arms over my chest. "A kiss will not make up for you not trusting me," I say and he rolls his eyes, pulling away from me. "When are you going to stop being so damn stubborn and just listen to me," he questions, laying down face first on the bed. "When you tell me what the hell is going on," I cross my arms and he groans into the pillow.

"I'm leaving," I state, hearing him quickly get up after I turn around. "You're leaving?" He questions, glancing down at me when I reach the bottom of his steps and I nod my head, turning away.

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