Chapter 14

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Sabrina's Pov
It is now the second to last day until we go on break, and of course I'm here sitting in the back of the class with my hoodie on, trying to block out the noise around me. I was glad my teacher decided we didn't have to do any work, we aren't the only ones tired of work.

This is the last class of the day, which is one I have with Elliot, and he's been trying to talk to me since the beginning of class, but I've been ignoring him.

I feel like I should try to figure my feelings out first before I talk to either Jc or Elliot.






"Sour patch."

"Sour patchhhhh!" He repeatedly says my name, well names, causing me to turn towards him. "What?!" I finally answer, and he frowns at my slightly raised voice.

"What's wrong," he asks leaning closer to me and putting his hand on my knee. "I'm fine," I say, now completely focusing my attention on him. "We both know that's a lie, Sour Patch. Tell me," he says, staring at me with a serious look that says I'm not getting out of this.

"Elliot, I'm fine," I repeat not giving in and he shakes his head, turning away from me. He bounces his leg anxiously, glancing over at me every couple of minutes.

"Will you please tell me," he whines, turning back to me. "My mind is a jumbled mess okay?" I say and he raises an eyebrow, staring at me in confusion. "I need more than that Bri," he says running a hand through his hair frustratedly.

"My feelings for you," I state, causing him to freeze momentarily before looking at me intently.

"What about them?" He questions, and I don't miss the look of hope that flashed in his eyes. "I certainly do li-" before I could finish, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. "Sorry," I say, quickly grabbing my things and standing up.

"Wait-" he says, but I quickly walk out of the door, exhaling deeply when I get to my locker. "Hi," a boy says from beside me, I slowly look over, nearly dropping my books. "Why are you talking to me?" I question turning away from one of Josh's friends, Shawn.

"I'm Shawn," he completely ignores my question, grabbing my things from my hand before I could drop them. Once I open my locker, I grab my things out of his hand and send him a look before putting them into my bag. "Thanks," I whisper and he shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Josh sent me over here to say some dumb shit to you, but instead I'm just going to pretend I said it and make up something to tell him. He's almost becoming a stalker towards you, you know?" He questions, causing me to raise an suspicious eyebrow as we walk out of the school doors.

"He's tried to send some people to see what you're doing and who you're with. Especially whenever you're around Elliot," he states and I stop walking, cringing to myself at the thought of him stalking me.

"Well tell him I said fuck off," I say resuming to walk on the path to my car. "It won't work. That's what I'm here to warn you about. Just be careful," he slightly smiles, pats my shoulder, then walks away.

As I put my phone in my pocket and search through my bag for my keys, I suddenly feel a different presence behind me, but this one was too familiar at this point. My body slightly jumps when I feel his arm circle around my waist and he turns me around before pushing me against my car.

"What are you doing," I question when he leans close to me, his body against mine. "Tell me how you feel about me, Sabrina," Elliot says, and I notice him look down at my lips for a second before he shakes his head slightly.

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