Chapter 22

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(mainly a mature chapter; you won't miss anything important if you skip it).

Sabrina's Pov
The day with my father and siblings had gone surprisingly well. Of course tears were shed, but overall, the day turned out to be really fun. However, now I was back in my own state, sadly separated from my family.

Elliot sat on his bed as I sat on the couch watching him talk on the phone. His voice began to rise slightly as he stood and ran his hand through his hair frustratedly, before looking up at me and bringing his tone back down to a whisper.

He uttered a few more words before hanging up and walking back out towards me. "I have to handle something real quick, I'll be back," he mutters, slightly catching me off guard at his sudden change of attitude.

"What's wrong? Let me come," I say standing up only to receive a frustrated look from him. "I said I have to handle something, stay here," he repeats walking towards the door of his bedroom and I slightly pout.

"But I want-"

"Sabrina I said stay here," he grits out, quickly turning around and giving me a look. I frown, backing up from him and turning around, walking back towards the couch. I hear him sigh before feeling him pull me into a hug from behind.

"I'm sorry, baby. I love you but you don't need to get involved right now," he whispers, turning me around and kissing me softly. "Involved in what, Elliot?" I question, but he shakes his head, kissing me again and giving me a small smile before exiting the room.

I groan out after hearing the front door shut and his car start.

Now what am I supposed to do? I could go for a swim, since it's, for some reason, not that cold today. Or maybe I'll play pool- nah.

Deciding against embarrassing myself with my lack of skill in pool, I decide to go for a swim instead. Pulling out my red bathing suit, that hung inside Elliot's closet, I quickly change and make my way down the stairs and through the back door.

I set my towel and phone down before slowly walking into the pool, sighing contently at the warm water that touched my skin

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I set my towel and phone down before slowly walking into the pool, sighing contently at the warm water that touched my skin. After about 20 minutes, I hear the front door close and I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips as he came into my view.

"Sabrina?" He calls out, not seeing me yet and I chuckle lowly. "Back here," I say, seeing him begin to walk towards me. "Hey," he breaths out, looking down at me as I swam to the wall near him. "Hi," I whisper, smiling up at him as I got out of the pool. I notice him glance over my body, his eyes slightly widening and I laugh softly.

"Damn," he breaths out again, wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling away and glancing over me again, repeating the word. I pull away, grabbing my phone and wrapping my towel around me. "Shower time," I tease, slightly rubbing against him as I walk by. I hear his footsteps close behind me as I walk up the stairs and to his bedroom.

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