Chapter 7

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Sabrina's Pov
I walk up to the school, without Elliot this time. I don't know what happened yesterday. He texted me later and told me that he was sorry for just leaving like he did, but didn't explain why.

I get my books out of my locker, slightly jumping when I close my locker and see him standing there.

"Can you stop doing that?" I ask hitting his shoulder and a small smile appears on his face. "Hello to you too Lawley," he says, putting one hand in his pocket.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday," he begins and I turn to look at him in confusion. "Why? You didn't do anything wrong," I say as we both begin to walk, side by side, the stares and whispers still continuing. "I just got a little jealous and left," he says, a small blush forming on his face and I smile.

"Awee, Elli Pooh is blushing," I coo and he scoffs slightly. "Don't ever call me that again," he says and I laugh while he readjusts his bookbag. "Who was that guy? If you don't mind me asking," he says looking down at his feet as we turn down another hall.

"His name is Jc. He's just one of my close friends," I shrug and he doesn't say anything for a while before looking over at me. "Do you like him?" He asks, causing both of my eyebrows to raise up in surprise.

"Are you already breaking a rule of being my best friend? Elli Pooh doesn't like me does he?" I tease poking his cheek and he glares at me. "Not in a million years Lawley," he sticks his tongue out at me before stopping in front of my class.

"I'm taking you to lunch by the way," he says out of nowhere and I look at him, moving aside so someone else could go into the classroom.

"You're asking me on a date, proof that you're falling for me Mr. Parker," I say with an raised eyebrow and he rolls his eyes with a smile. "See you later Lawley," he winks before continuing to walk down the hall and I smile before turning and walking into the classroom.

"So you and Elliot Parker huh?" I look over to the girl beside me, her leg stretched out and her fingers tapping on the desk.

"Daniela, nice to see you again," I mock sarcastically and she laughs, beginning to tap her pencil. "You just can't be still can you?" I ask and her hazel eyes find mine. "I can, I just like annoying everyone around me," she says before tapping her pencil once more.

"Tap it again and I'll break it," a girl behind her says, her head coming up from the inside of her notebook that she sketches on. "You can try," Daniela laughs turning to look at the girl with an amused smile. She taps the pencil against the girl's desk, who I know as Megan, before holding it up in front of her.

As soon as she reaches for the pencil, Daniela switches it to her other hand, raising an challenging eyebrow at Megan. She finally gets a hold of the pencil after five minutes of Daniela laughing at her as she frantically tried to grab it.

She snaps the pencil in her hands before throwing the remainder of it at Daniela, one piece flying over her head while the other hits her cheek.

However, of course, Daniela does not leave it at that. She then takes Megan's pen and snaps it in half, some ink falling freely onto Megan's sketch book, ruining her drawing.


"You fucking bitch," She whispers in disbelief before staring at Daniela with pure hatred. "Go fuck yourself Dani," She grits out, tears beginning to suddenly form in her eyes as she gets up, throws her book into the trash, and quickly walks out of the classroom.

I watch as Daniela rolls her eyes as she gets up, grabs the notebook out of the trash and also walks out of the classroom.

I'm so glad we had a free block.

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