Chapter 21

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Elliot's Pov
My heart tightens at the sight of Sabrina. Her body frozen, after hearing the words of her mother, as well as everyone else's. "Sabrina," her mother almost inaudibly says, walking over to Sabrina. She stands there, tears suddenly welding up in her eyes.

"Baby," I whisper, wrapping my arms her waist, pulling her out of her trance. "I'm fine," she quickly says, wiping her tears and glancing over at her mother before pulling away, walking past me and into her room.

"Dammit," her mother says, placing her hands on her hips and quickly walking out of the room. Kian sits down on the couch, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was also in deep thought. The tension in the room was slightly uncomfortable, causing me to sway awkwardly side to side.

I look up, catching the gaze of Jc who looked concerned. "Are you going to go comfort your girlfriend or do I need to?" He asks suddenly, causing me to clench my jaw in order to keep myself from saying something stupid.

I gave him one final glance before turning around and walking into Sabrina's room, shutting the door behind me. "I just want to be left alone right now, Elliot," my heart tightens more at the sound of her voice, the vulnerability in it pained me.

"I'm not leaving you," I say, slowly walking towards her before sitting beside her on the bed. "You don't even know what's wrong with me. You don't understand the background of my life story. You don't know me, Elliot," she looked at me with tears in her eyes and I felt as if I broke a little more.

"So tell me, Lawley. Teach me what I don't know," I whisper, placing my finger on her chin and turning her head back towards me when she looks down. "Why? So you can judge me too?" She questions, moving my hand away from her.

"Why would I judge you? You're my damn girlfriend, Sabrina. One of the most important people in my life right now. I have a fucked up life too, as you have found out over the past few weeks. I won't judge you, baby. You know my life story, tell me yours," I say, looking up when she places her hand over mine.

"Okay," she gives in, turning her body towards me and I do the same, giving her my full attention.

Christmas Day

Sabrina's Pov
It's now Christmas, though I will say it doesn't feel like it. Elliot has been nothing but nice and caring to me over the past 2 days and I can't explain how grateful I am for him. Jc left to go spend time with his family and I can't say that I'm happy we didn't speak to each other while he was here, but that's not important now.

I wake up, the smell of breakfast instantly completely getting rid of my tiredness. The only thing stopping me from getting up was Elliot, who had his arm wrapped securely around my waist.

I stretch, dragging myself up slightly and placing my lips against his. I childishly peck his lips repeatedly, feeling him stir in his sleep before his eyes flutter open then close again. "Wake up," I mumble against his neck, feeling him move his arm and instead place his hand on my hip.

"I'm up," he says sleepily, his morning voice doing shit to me I can't even explain. "Merry Christmas, my love," he speaks again, moving a strand of hair behind my ear before kissing me softly. "Merry-"

"Merry Christmas!" I get cut off by Kian suddenly bursting into the room. "Get up and come eat love birds," he pretends to gag at the end of his sentence before a small smile breaks out on his face as he closes the door. "I'm so glad I get to spend Christmas with you and your family," Elliot laughs, getting out of bed and making me softly scream when he picks me up.

"Hello," he grins boyishly as he hands grip my thighs to hold me up. "Hi," I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck and quickly placing my lips on his.

He immediately kisses back, his grip on my thighs slightly tightening. "Fuck you don't know what you do to me," he dramatically throws his head back after pulling away from the kiss. I laugh softly, jumping out of his hold and grabbing a towel from my closet.

"Join me, less water usage. Unless you're nervous again I guess," I tease, hearing him mumble under his breath before following me into the bathroom.


We all sat around the Christmas tree, the gifts already separated and given to their designated person. I noticed Elliot's nervousness when we all came into the living room, yet whenever I look at him he smiles and tries to mask it.

After everyone else had opened their gifts, it was my turn. I opened my mom's gift first, seeing a beautiful bracelet with 'close together or far apart, you are forever in my heart' imbedded in a heart on one side, the word 'daughter' written in the middle, and 'where ever life takes you, you will always be my daughter' on the other side.

I smiled, hugging her and thanking her, not missing the big smile that brightened her face. "Just so you have a piece of me still with you when you got back to Cali," she says, the sadness in her eyes causing me to look away as I thanked her again.

I opened the gifts from Izzy and Kian before moving on to Elliot's. I looked up at him, seeing the small smile stretched across his face as I untied the bow on top of the small box. Opening it, my heart tightens slightly at the sight of the necklace with the letter 'E' on it, my smile becoming bigger.

"I know it's not much, but I got it in hope of seeing you wear the initial of my first name until you can have my full last night. In the future of course," he quickly adds the last part nervously and I blink away the tears that form in my eyes before hugging him.

"Thank you, Elliot," I whisper, enjoying the moment as he places a soft kiss on my forehead. "Okay if you guys are done making me feel lonely, I'm going to go put these gifts in my room," Izzy says, playfully rolling her eyes and getting up with her gifts.

After settling back into the living room, we all ate Chinese food while watching The Polar Express and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, splitting back up once everyone got tired.

I laid with Elliot in my bed, his arm around my waist as my back pressed against his chest. "Elliot," I whisper, hearing him hum out an answer. "Were you serious about wanting me to have your last name?" I question feeling him move, his grip tightening on me.

"Yes, Lawley. In the future, I promise I'm determined to make you my wife," he whispers, his breath fanning against my neck cause me to shiver slightly. "There's no other girl, no other woman, I would rather spend my life with than you, Sabrina. As corny as that sounds, it's true," he says and I sigh, turning around and laying my head on his chest.

"I love you Eli," I say against his neck, placing a kiss on it and feeling him shift slightly. "I love you too, princess," I smile at the name, tiredness sinking in as he began to play with my hair.

"Goodnight," he whispers, not stopping the massage as I slowly slip in and out of consciousness.

I wasn't able to fall asleep immediately, thinking about what's to come tomorrow. The day I wondered if it would ever come.

The day I reunite with my father.

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