Chapter 8

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Sabrina's Pov
   I slowly wake up, feeling a presence beside me, the person's arm wrapped securely around my waist with them softly breathing against my neck.


I realise that we are, somehow, now in the guest bedroom of my house, laying under one of the thin covers. As I try to get up, his arm tightens and he pulls me against him, letting out a small whine. "Elliot," I whisper, realising how our bodies are pressed against each other, yet he doesn't budge.

"Elli," I move to turn around only to be stopped by a soft groan and Elliot pulling me impossibly closer, his legs entangled with mine. I freeze up as his lips suddenly press against my neck and I shift slightly.

Why am I not uncomfortable? Should this be happening right now?

"Elliot," I breath out before squealing when his hand suddenly moves up and cups one of my breast as he sucks on the soft spot of my neck, causing me to moan.

His trance seems to break as I'm now on the floor.

He just pushed me off of the bed!.

"Shit I'm sorry," he rubs his eyes, as he holds out his hands to help me up. His eyes go to my neck, and I already knew what he was staring at.

"I didn't mean to-" he freezes, a blush forming on his cheeks as he looks at my lips before looking down at my attire. I got hot last night and decided to change into a large shirt, but I'm now realising that I should've put something underneath.

I watch his eyes widen before he quickly looks away and I look down, noticing that my shirt somehow got twisted between my black lace underwear overnight. Elliot's red face is staring down at the floor and I chuckle slightly, pulling down my shirt.

"I'll be back," he quickly walks into the bathroom and I chuckle again. After a minute, I began to reach for my phone, but I freeze and a blush begins to form on my face when I hear a low groan come from inside the bathroom, followed by many more.

"Uhh, Elliot," I slowly walk towards the door and press my ear against it, hearing heavy breathing. "Are you okay?" I breath out, backing up slightly as I hear the sink running.

The door flies open and I first notice his slightly dripping hair sticking to his forehead, with one strand hanging in front of his eye. He eyes me for a second, tilting his head before a smirk appears on his lips as he steps forward.

"Are-" I began to ask the question again, only to be stopped by his lips pressing against mine.

They're extremely soft, what the hell?

I find myself slowly getting backed up, until the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed and I fall backwards, Elliot climbing on top of me, connecting his lips with mine again.

Should I pull away?! I don't know if I like it or not!

His hand pushes up my shirt, slowly sliding up my thigh and resting on my stomach. "Elliot," I breath out against his lips and he groans, moving his lips down to my neck.

My hands find their way into his wet hair, tugging slightly as his tongue and lips continue their assault on my neck. His hand lowers, a quiet gasp leaving my lips as his fingers trace over the fabric of my panties. My back slightly arches off the bed when his thumb suddenly presses against the sensitive area my underwear covered. The door bell suddenly rings, and I look up into his eyes as he shakes his head.

"Ignore it," he says before kissing my jaw, removing his hand from between my thighs and sliding it over my breast. I suddenly freeze when he slowly wraps his hand around my neck, choking me softly.

I don't know if I like this either! I'm confused!

The door bell rings again and he stops, breathing out against my neck. "I have to get it," I whisper and he nods, grazing his fingers over my throat as he removes his hands before completely getting off of me.

"Stay here," I say grabbing the handle of the door and beginning to walk down the hallway, before stopping when I hear footsteps behind me. "I told you to stay there," I say turning around, suddenly pressed against him as he closes the distance between us.

"That doesn't mean I was going to listen," he says looking down at my lips before leaning down and biting my bottom lip softly, causing a shock to run through my body. I pull away, biting my lip slightly as I quickly walk to the door.

I open it up, seeing Jc standing with flowers in his hand, but they drop when his eyes scan my body, his eyes widening when he comes across the hickies on my neck.

Well shit.

"Uh, am I not supposed to be here," he stuffs his hands in his pocket, not bothering to pick the flowers up.

"No," I looked behind me to see Elliot glaring at Jc. "I told you to stay," I whisper and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Woof," he whispers and I slightly glare at him. "I thought you guys were best friends," Jc scolds, shifting his eyes towards me.

"And I thought you guys were close friends," Elliot scolds back, and Jc raises an eyebrow.


"We are," Jc cuts me off and says, taking his hands out of his pockets and crossing his arms.

"Then why are you jealous?" Elliot asks, smirking mischievously.


"I'm not," Jc lies and I roll my eyes at both of these dumb boys.

"J-" I begin speaking, but I, once again, get cut off by Elliot. "So this doesn't make you jealous?" Elliot asks, suddenly pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around my waist, placing a soft kiss upon my neck.

I watch as Jc looks down as Elliot pulls away, yet I stayed frozen in place. "No," he mumbles before pausing and shaking his head.

"You can keep the flowers," he says kicking them forward before turning and walking back down the steps. "Jc," I call for him, but he shakes his head, continuing to walk. I back up, slowly closing the door. Turning around and smacking Elliot's chest, I glare at him.

What was he thinking!?

Elliot's Pov
  "Why," she whines and I frown down at her. Damn she's so fucking gorgeous. "What?" I ask looking down at her lips.

I'm not supposed to be doing this. We're supposed to be best friends. Shit.. What am I doing?

"Are you even listening?" She asks and I snap out of my thoughts. "I think I should go," I say and a look of confusion immediately takes over her slight anger as I began putting my shoes on. "Why?" She asks grabbing my arm when I reach for my keys on the table.

"I'll explain soon," I say kissing her lips, pulling away, and walking towards the door. "Just know that I'm sorry for what I'm going to do," I say and I quickly shut the door, walking out to my car.

I can't fall in love with her.

I couldn't leave you guys with no update!


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