Chapter 12

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Sabrina's Pov
   My eyes shot daggers at McKenna, and if looks could kill, she would've been six feet under. I watched as she slowly shifted from foot to foot after feeling my daggers stab her throat.

At least that's what I imagined..

"Well Mckenna doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about," I grit out, looking back at Britney and rolling my eyes at the smirk she had on her face.

"You aren't staying here. McKenna doesn't own this house nor does she pay for it, therefore, she cannot decide who can and cannot stay here," I say running my hands through my hair frustratedly. Her smirk disappears as she tilts her head and crosses her arms.

"Maybe you should just let it go," Elliot whispers and I shake my head, dismissing his, rather dumb, idea. "Aren't you a fantastic friend? She still lives here, so technically it's her house too," Britney says, straightening her posture as her 'boyfriend' wraps an arm around her waist.

"Babe, it's my house, not a fucking hotel. Why don't you just go live with this uh, boyfriend of yours?" I ask plainly, watching her slowly get more frustrated by the minute. "You're a real bitch aren't you?" her boy toy suddenly speaks up, and I tense slightly when Elliot grabs my waist protectively.

"Don't ever call her that again," he states almost calmly, and Britney's eyes go down to Elliot's arm. "Are you guys supposed to be some lame excuse of a couple?" She asks, tilting her head again as she smirks.

"Quit describing your relationship with this prick and get the fuck out," Elliot's grip tightens on me as I try to step towards her, causing me to internally groan. I completely freeze when she grabs a cup of water from the table and throws the water onto my face.

In fact, everyone seemed to freeze at that moment. No movement, no speaking, no breathing.

"Um," Britney immediately speaks out, noticing her mistake. "If you don't leave within five fucking seconds I promise I'm beating the shit out of you and breaking your neck," I speak calmly, watching her eyes widen as she takes a step back.

"Five." She stands there.

"Four." She continues standing there.

"Three." She still hasn't moved.

"Two." She takes another step back.

"One." She grabs her boyfriend's hand and the sound of my door slamming against the wall is heard.

"McKenna, leave," I say looking up at her and she frowns, shaking her head. "You're no longer allowed to come anywhere near me nor my house, and you can tell that bitch the same thing," I say and I watch as she looks down, playing with her fingers before walking up the stairs.

"Uh, knock knock?" A questioning voice causes me to turn towards the door.


"Are you okay?" He asks, slowly stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "I am no where near it," I state, watching Elliot eye Jc suspiciously, and I turn to see Jc examining my now slightly wet hair and face. "You seem a little, wet. What did you do?" Jc's eyes suddenly glare at Elliot after taking in his existence.

"I didn't do anything," Elliot glares back him and I roll my eyes. "I'm just so fucking-" my voice breaks off as I look down, shaking my head. "What's wrong, Princess?" I hear Jc ask and he's in front of me within a few seconds, wrapping his arms around my neck securely.

It's bad that I still love this feeling, him comforting me and calling me sweet names. It's not even a question. Though, he's most likely over me, well us, already, yet I have to admit I still slightly have feelings for him. The only reason I broke up with him was because of the slight distance between us, but I never stopped loving him.

Yes I truly did love him, and I shouldn't have let him go just because of a little distance, but it's done now. There's nothing I can really do.

"Life," I quickly answer, snapping out of my thoughts as I wrap my arms around his torso and press my head against his chest. My eyes close as he lays his head against mine and I listen to the rhythm of his heartbeat before hearing someone clear their throat quietly.

I look over, seeing Elliot looking down at the floor, before nodding once as if agreeing with himself on something. "I'll talk to you later, Sabrina," he suddenly looks up and I see the same fake smile on his face as the one when I told him that him liking me was just a phase.

"Why are you leaving?" I question, letting go of Jc and stepping towards Elliot, only for him to slowly step back. "I just remembered I have something to do," he lies, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he looks down again.


"I'll see you later, sorry," he says cutting me off before opening the door and leaving.

He always leaves whenever Jc comes around. I get that he's jealous and all but I don't understand why he has to always leave.

"I should probably go too, I promise I'll text you. I love you, bye!" Jc speaks quickly before jogging out of the door, closing it behind him.

I felt like my face was on fire as I took in what he just said.

"I love you."

Elliot's Pov

  Just as I was about to get into my car, the door opens and out comes that curly headed boy. "Hey!" He calls out, causing me to pause as he quickly jogs over to me. "What?" I mumble, standing up from my almost sitting position.

"I don't know what she is to you, but be careful.. She's been through enough already, so please just don't hurt her. She's broken yet she's tough, but that doesn't mean that you can't break her more. If she feels like you're going to hurt her, she'll hurt you before you even get a chance to express how you feel to her."

"She'll blame you for everything at the end of the day because she's had enough of everything and doesn't want anyone to know she's hurting. So please take care of her for me. Take away anything she can harm herself with, meaning look in every bathroom drawer of her house please, if not for me, for her," he states stuffing his hands in his pockets, my eyes slightly widening from his speech.

"Trust me, I'm someone who would know all of this," he mumbles glancing up at me before quickly walking towards his car, getting in and driving off.

Was that a warning? He's actually pretty nice I guess you can say, yet I was mean to him.

What does he mean harming herself? I couldn't imagine someone as tough as her possibly hurting herself.

Anyway, I guess they had a relationship at some point, and she hurt him, or maybe they were hurting each other in a way.

I won't do that, but I can't say the same for her. She hurts me without even realising it. The way she hugs up on Jc, or just the way she looks at him. I feel like she still likes him and if that's that's the case then maybe I should let her have her space. She acts like I'm not even there whenever he comes around and that hurts me so bad. That's why I leave.

All I do is wish for her to accept me..

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