Chapter 10

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Elliot's Pov
I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't slightly turned on from the movie, but Sabrina being with me is what made my thoughts worst. She was absolutely gorgeous and the images in my mind were something I couldn't help. My eyes scanned her body as she laid under me.

She has no idea what she does to me.

My lips press against hers and her fingers immediately find their way into my hair, gripping it slightly. I licked her bottom lip, but she didn't allow me to do what I had planned. I slowly leave kisses all the way down her neck and stomach, before looking up at her as I unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, seeing her lace underwear.


I groaned at the sight, leaning down to take the fabric between my teeth, slowly pulling it down and revealing the smooth skin that was under it. "Elliot," she warns me and I groan again, closing my eyes for a second.

Fine then Sabrina, two can play at this limit game.

She gasps as I place my fingers against her clit after finding my way into her pants.


She moans when I press harder, slightly arching her back and grabbing my hand when I began to rub circles against her. I restrained myself from fucking her right then and there, even though I wanted to really bad.

And really hard.

"That was hot Lawley.. I would love to hear it again, care to share?" I ask and she quickly shakes her head causing me to smirk. As I opened my mouth to say something else, my door suddenly opens and I don't even bother turning around after I hear his voice. "Elliot," my father calls out and I feel Sabrina freeze under me.

All he could see was her legs, and I'm glad for that. He couldn't see her flustered cheeks, nor could he see my hand down her pants.

"What," my tone explained how I was feeling, frustrated and annoyed. "What are you doing?" He asks and I groan, allowing Sabrina to quickly fix herself before slowly getting off of her. "What exactly are you doing? You can't fucking knock?" I question, feeling Sabrina grab my arm as he glares at me.

"I've told you plenty of times about having girls in this house when I'm not here," he says folding his arms as my sister runs off down the hall. "I've told you plenty of times that I'm 18 and I can do whatever the fuck I want," I retort, feeling Sabrina's eyes quickly shift towards me.

"Elliot Johansson Parker! I am your damn father. Which means you better watch your fucking mouth when you're speaking to me," he says stepping into my room and I glare at him.

"You're my father? Since when? If you're supposedly my father, then why are you basically a fucking nonexistent prick who chooses to pop up when he wants to? Last time I checked a father is supposed to fucking be there for his children instead of having his 18 year old son take care of the only girl left in his life, which just so happens to be your only fucking daughter," I stop speaking as Sabrina grabs my hand tightly, causing me to look down her.

"Or maybe you secretly have another child with some other woman you decided to also fuck behind mom's back," I spit and he stares at me, shock and confusion clear on his face as he shakes his head and opens his mouth to speak again.

"Go," I speak calmly, watching as he pauses before walking out of my room and slamming my door.


"Don't," I cut her off, letting go of her hand and she frowns.

"What hap-"

"I said don't," I almost growl out, I felt my eyes begin to water and I quickly looked away from her. "Come here," she says and I shake my head, looking up at my ceiling. I feel her hug me from behind and I sigh softly. I turn around and hug her before picking her up and laying down on the bed. My head was pressed against her chest as she played with my hair, wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her impossibly closer.

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