Chapter 15

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Jc's Pov
     In order for me to get over Sabrina completely, I decided it would be a good idea to take someone else on a date. If I'm being honest, I don't think this will help, but I'm going to try anyway.

We sat down at our table, ordering our drinks and talking about random topics. "I'm glad you chose to finally get out of the house," she laughs and I laugh slightly, before feeling someone's eyes on me, but it wasn't hers.

I look up as she starts speaking again, yet when I look over, I spot the one person I'm here because of.


My laughter dies down and my smile slowly disappears as our eyes meet. I look over when Elliot comes beside her, touching her shoulder and asking her a question. He looks over at me, realization sinking in as he leans down to whisper something in her ear.

Her eyes quickly leave mine and she looks down, nodding her head and grabbing his hand when he holds it out before walking away.

I quickly bring my attention back to my date, slightly smiling at her just as our food comes.

Elliot's Pov
    I know she's hurt. I know she still likes Jc. I know a lot of things. What I also know is that I don't know if I can do this. I want to be able to call her mine so bad, but I can't date someone who likes someone else.

The solemn look on her face when she looked at him hurt me. She was upset because he was on a date with someone else. I asked her if she was okay, and she just nodded and we walked away.

Throughout our date, or whatever you want to call it now, she didn't seem happy at all. I tried to make simple conversations with her, but she just gave plain answers or nodded her head. I got the check early, just so we could leave. I couldn't stand sitting there and watching her pout the whole time.

It was a quiet drive back to her house, the volume of the music was low except for the subtle beat every now and then. Once we pulled into the driveway, we both sit there for a second.

"Are you okay?"

"Can you stay with me?"

I look over at her as we both speak at the same time. "I don't know Sabrina," I whisper and she looks down and begins to play with a ring on her finger. "Well, how about I get clothes and come to your house? I just don't want to be alone," she mumbles and I sigh, thinking about it.

"Okay. Let's do that then," I say and she quickly looks up, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'll be back then," she says, getting out as fast as she can without falling in her heels. I won't lie, she looked so beautiful tonight, it's kind of hard to stop looking at someone as beautiful as her.

Her beauty isn't the reason I like her. It's the way she acts, the way she blushes and tries to cover it up by attempting to insult me, the way she plays with her fingers or bites her lip whenever she's nervous or anxious, all of the little things she does just makes me like her more and more every day.

No matter how many times she tries to hide her feelings, there's times when they just shine through perfectly, and those are the moments I enjoy most.

I watch as she quickly comes back out, now having flats on instead of heels. "I didn't mean to take that long," she says and I laugh. "You didn't take long," I say, examining the small bag she had around her shoulders.

I smile as I back out of the driveway, driving to my house.


We sit on my couch, picking through movies to watch. It was almost like the situation of me taking her out to lunch, she says no to every movie I stop on.

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