Chapter 17

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Sabrina's POV
  I allowed all thoughts, all emotion, to exit my body and my mind. I didn't bother looking up at her. I felt her eyes piercing through me, waiting for me to look up or react, but I didn't. That's when I heard the whispers, glancing up to see the shocked looks, the stares.

Elliot was quiet, his hand had fallen off of my shoulder, yet I didn't bother to turn around to look at him either. I slowly looked up at her, the feeling of sadness and rage all piling in at once. As I took one step towards her, she tilted her head, still waiting for a response.

Yet I couldn't find the words. I couldn't speak, I could barely feel, nor could I think correctly. I look over at the door, seeing Josh standing there, an angered look on his face as he stared at Britney. I raised an eyebrow at him, closing my eyes and pushing the assumptions to the back of my mind.

I'm done for. She broke me.


I wanted to let out a scream, but I couldn't. I stared at her, parting my lips before closing them because I didn't know what to say. Then it all hit me.

"Thank you," I almost inaudibly said, and a look of confusion settles on her face. "Thank you so damn much, Brit," I repeat and an uneasy look settles on her face, as if she suddenly was uncomfortable.

"You're so right, thank you for informing everyone about my life. Thank you for proving to everyone how weak I am. Now everyone sees." I couldn't help the tears that began to form in my eyes, but no emotion was shown from me. The tears fell freely, but the emotion, the pain, the regret, the sadness, never appeared.

"I do hope the best for you. I hope you finally have the fame you wanted. I hope everyone is so very happy with this new information you've provided them. However I am not weak. I will inform you that you did not win. This situation has proven that you must tear somebody down just to show you think so highly of yourself that you have no emotion towards others." I slowly stalk towards her as my fists ball by my sides.

"I promise, that you, Britney Nicole Brown, have not won and I promise that from here on out I will make your life a living hell. Do you hear me? You've crossed the wrong path, baby. I've tried to ignore you. I've tried to give you a chance to leave me alone. But now?" I paused, feeling hundreds of eyes on me and I shut mine, regaining my composure.

"Your ass is mine now." I whisper in her ear and her breath hitches in her throat. She backs away from me but I grab her arm, pulling her back forward. "I promise that if you don't get the hell out of this school by the time break is over, you'll regret you ever fucking met me, understand?" I whisper and lean back enough to see her eyes widen, and to hear her breathing pick up before she backs away from me.

I continue to allow no emotion to be evident on my face as I walk out of the cafeteria. Ignoring all the stares and the whispers, I walk out of the main door, regretting coming here this morning in the first place.

I quickly turn when I hear the door shut again behind me, seeing Elliot quickly walking towards me. "Sabrina wait," he shouts to me when I continue walking. I get into my car, staring at him as he pauses a few feet away, his eyes daring me to leave but also wondering if I will. He stalks towards me after a few seconds and I maintain eye contact with him, starting my car.

If Britney and McKenna can betray you like they did, so will he.


I closed my eyes at my thoughts, looking up to see him no longer there. I jump slightly when the passenger door opens and he sits down, closing the door after him. He takes my keys out of the ignition and stares at me.

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