Chapter 11

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Sabrina's Pov
   "Mom?" He says in shock, his grip loosening on me as he stares at her.

Woahh. All of this in a matter of two days?

"Hi baby," she says almost inaudibly, and Elliot's arms completely let go of me as she glances over at me. "You left me," he scolds getting out of the water and drying himself off slowly. "You left me here with that lame excuse of a father for 10 years of my fucking life," he almost whines, looking over at her with an expression I can't explain.

"You left an 8 year old boy to basically take care of his 2 month old sister, since her father didn't seem to want to. I had to learn how to cook, how to properly hold her, and how to change her nasty ass diapers. Not once did you come back to even check up on me or her," he states almost angrily, staring down at the ground.

By mid sentence, his mother was already in tears, opening her mouth to speak at some points. "I'm sorry. I should've been there for both of you, but you know your father-" she pauses, looking over at me for a second and I shift in the pool chair. "She knows," he mumbles and she nods taking her eyes off of me.

"I just couldn't come back to someone like that," she says and he shakes his head, walking towards her. "But you could've came back for your children," he states stopping in front of her and she frowns. "Oh Elli," she cries out, wrapping her arms around his neck and he slowly wraps his arms around her waist, placing his head on her shoulder.

Elli.. His mother calls him Elli. That's why he doesn't allow anyone to call him that. It's like it triggers thoughts of his mother, but why does he allow me to call him it?

When I glance at her left hand, I notice an engagement ring placed upon her ring finger, causing my eyes to widen.

She remarried?

She lets go and kisses his cheek, looking at him apologetically. "Now, do you want to explain to me who this girl is?" She suddenly says, sounding extremely curt and protective. "Well, Mom, this is Sabrina. Sabrina this is my mom," he says and I smile slightly as she reaches out to shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you," I say looking down at the ring that shined as we shook hands. "You're married?" I ask and everything seems to freeze for a moment. "Well, yes. Uh, yes I am," she states almost glaring at me and I look over at Elliot. "You remarried?" He asks and she glares at me before slightly smiling at him.

"Yes," she says, turning her head to send me a look again. "You didn't care to at least invite me to the wedding?" He asks and she sighs, sitting down. "I didn't think you'd want to go," she says looking up at him before looking down again. "Of course I would've," he says sitting down beside her and I suddenly felt like this was all my fault.

"Elliot, maybe I should leave," I quickly say, interrupting their conversation. "No," he says sternly before looking at his mother. "I really do need to go home, Elliot. McKenna has been there by herself for two days," I say and he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, but just wait a second please. You can go and change," he says and I nod, beginning to walk into his house.

"That's your girlfriend?" His mother asks, causing me to slightly slow down my steps.

Yes I am snooping into their conversation, don't judge me.

"Not yet," he tries to whisper and I smile quickly walking into his house.


I hear a car start outside as I dry off after getting out of the shower.

His shower still amazes me.

Elliot's door opens and he walks in, glancing up at me through the glass barrier. "Enjoy the shower?" He asks walking up the stairs and over to me. "Of course I did," I say with a small smile as I wrap my arms around his neck after he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Let's have some sexy time," he whines, laying me down on the bed and I laugh, leaning up to peck his lips. "No," I say, still slightly laughing when he frowns. "But you're in a towel, and you're looking very sexy," he says like a baby, kissing my neck over and over again.

"Nope, I have to leave," I say, causing him to pout as he gets off of me. "Next time," he winks and I roll my eyes, quickly putting my clothes on. "You are a creep," I say watching him watch me as I put my pants on. "You know I am," he laughs, grabbing his phone off of the charger before looking over at me again.

"Those jeans make your ass look really-" he pauses, looking away and walking down his steps. "Anyway, ready to go?" He questions and I nod, grabbing my phone and purse before following him down the stairs and outside. "Do you have to leave?" He whines, unlocking his door as I get my keys out.

"I'll come back soon, winter break is next week anyway," I say and he sighs as we both get into our cars.


I raise an eyebrow at the random car in front of my house as we pull up. "Do you know who's car this is?" Elliot asks after getting out of his car and I shake my head. "No," I say walking up to the door, unlocking it, and stepping inside.

I feel my blood boil when I see Britney, McKenna, and some boy sitting on my couch.

What the hell?..

"What the fuck is this?" I ask just as Elliot comes in too. "Oh hey Sabrina," Britney smirks mischievously as she looks over at me, but McKenna's eyes widen.

"Oh hey Britney, get the fuck out of my house," I say sarcastically and she rolls her eyes as the boy's eyes never leave mine. "The fuck are you looking at," Elliot says, causing the dude to immediately drag his eyes away from me.

"McKenna, why are they here? I thought you said you were done with her," I cross my arms, glaring at her as she looks at everything but me. "Well," she drags out, finally looking at me and giving a nervous smile. "Oh! She doesn't know?" Britney asks and Mckenna shakes her head, causing her to give off a surprised laugh.

"Maybe we should just go back to my house," Elliot whispers almost nervously, lightly grabbing my arm. "Poor old McKenna felt lonely in this house since you've been gone. She needed us to give her company since you and your fuck toy have been fooling around. Now I get to stay here as long as I want," she smiles evilly at me and I step forward, standing right in front of her.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask, still wondering why the hell this bitch is still in my house. "Well, you don't know anything do you?" She asks tilting her head and giving a short, pathetic laugh.

"McKenna has given my lovely boyfriend and I permission to stay here whenever we want, Love."

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