Chapter 13

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Jc's Pov
After I drove off and arrived at the house, I sat in my car for a little bit.

Me just saying that whole speech to him hurt me. I wanted to be the one doing everything I said. I wanted to be protecting her, yet I feel like that's not an option anymore.

The first time I met Elliot, he was a complete prick, but he was just trying to protect someone that he wants or likes, he wanted to make sure everyone knew she was his. I understand that because that's how I was, at least for the amount of time that we dated.

I still want to protect her and be there for her, and I can. I know my boundaries when it comes to someone who is in a relationship.

Wait, are they in a relationship?

I pause before pulling out my phone, searching through my messages, and clicking on Sabrina's contact.

I still have her saved as 'My Everything.'

Jc💙💍: Bri?

I waited a couple of minutes, or maybe seconds before getting a text back.

My Everything🌏🌹: Jc?

Jc💙💍: Hi Princess

My Everything🌏🌹: Why didn't you come

Jc💙💍: I'm sorry, do you want me to
come back?

I smiled as I saw she read my text and waited a few seconds before typing two simple words.

My Everything🌏🌹: Yes.. please

My smile slightly widened as I started my car back up and drove to her house.


I knock, putting my hands in my pockets to try to keep them warm from the cold. I immediately notice her attire once she opened the door.

My weakness.

My eyes go up to her face and I notice her looking down at her hands, and she played with a ring on her right ring finger.

The ring I got her..

"You still have it," I say, stepping in when she backs up, a smile forming on her face. "I've never taken it off," she whispers, a frown suddenly makes its way on her lips. "What's wrong?" I ask, bringing my hand up to run my thumb across her cheek.

She slightly moves away, before looking at me and leaning into my touch. She brings her arms around my neck, hugging me softly as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I need you to take them all from me," she whispers, letting go and looking into my eyes, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She then quickly walks away before I could speak, coming back out with a box.

She places the box in my hand before taking a step back and waiting for me to open it. Once I do, my eyes slightly widen at the different sized and shaped blades that sat at the bottom of it. I look up at her and she shrugs, sitting down on the couch.

"Did you-"

"I haven't cut since I left your house, if that's what you were going to ask," she cuts me off as she sits on her knees.

I don't say anything as I stare at her, admiring the girl in front of me.

I fucking love this girl with all my heart, yet I can't have her. It sucks..

"So you and that Elliot boy are dating?" I ask and her face twists in confusion as I sit beside her. "What? No. Where did this come from?" She asks shaking her head and I shrug, watching her shift to get comfortable.

"He seems like a good guy, behind all of his protectiveness and stupid jealously of course," I mutter and she tilts her head, a smile forming on her face again. "You seem quite jealous yourself," she says, her smile widening as I playfully roll my eyes.

"What if I am?" I question and she stares at me for a second, her smile slightly fading as she looks down at my lips. "You tell me," she almost whispers, looking up at my eyes before looking back down at my lips.

"I guess we'd have a little problem then," I say looking down at her lips.

All of this is just making me realise what I lost, how much I miss her, and how bad I've been craving to kiss her again.

"Why did you call me over here again?" I ask and she clears her throat, looking away from me. "I just wanted to talk to you I guess," she mutters, playing with a string on her knee high socks before pulling it off.

"I love you," I say quickly, mentally scolding myself for saying it so out of the blue. "What?" She questions, her eyes slightly wide as she looks at me in disbelief. "Nothing! Um, just forget it," I say shaking my head and looking down at the glass table in front of us.

"No. You love me?" she asks, scooting closer to me and placing her hand on my forearm. I don't say anything and just grab her hand, holding it in mine as I softly rub the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Jc," she says, lifting my head up so I'm looking at her. Instead of answering, I lean forward placing my lips softly on hers, feeling her lean into my touch.

This is definitely one feeling I will never get over.

She pulls away shortly after placing her hand against my cheek. "You, are absolutely amazing. You are everything I wish for, Sabrina. I know me saying this probably means nothing, but yes, I do love you and I'm sorry if I'm interfering with your relationship with Elliot. I promise I'll back off after this, but I needed to let you know," I speak and she sighs, facing towards me and sitting on her knees again.

"I love you too," she says softly, looking into my eyes before looking down.

"But, I just.. I can't be with you again."

That broke me. It hurt, and I know she knows that it hurt.

"Maybe you shou-"

"You love me? You just don't want to be with me?" I ask, my hurt shining through my voice and she moves her hair in front of her face, but I don't miss seeing her eyes become slightly watery. "Don't cry princess," I say quickly, my mood changing after seeing the tears in her eyes. "I keep hurting you, sorry," she whispers shaking her head, and I grab her hand.

Her eyes suddenly look towards the table, and I follow them, seeing the box. "No," I say grabbing both of her hands before she could move.

"I have school tomorrow anyway, you should go," she says getting up and I get up to. "Oh, okay," I mutter, grabbing the box from the table and turning back towards her.

I noticed how quiet it was in this house, which is weird to me.

"Do you live alone?" I quickly ask and she pauses before nodding. "Why?" I ask and she shrugs, looking down. "Well I'll text you, okay?" I ask and she nods again, causing me to sigh. "Can I have a hug, please?" I question and she hesitates, before wrapping her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist, leaving a soft kiss against her neck and feeling her almost turn into putty in my arms.

"Bye," she pulls away, clearing her throat as she grips the banister of the stairs and looks up at me. "Bye princess," I slightly smile before opening the door and walking out.

I groan once I get into my car, placing the box in the passenger seat.

Hurt, once again.

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