Chapter 20

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Sabrina's Pov
   I sighed, quickly getting up after a few minutes of silence and making my way towards my room. Elliot sits there on the bed, his hands holding on the sides of it and his head slightly hanging down.


"Don't," my breath hitches as he cuts me off, looking up at me with sadness and slight anger in his eyes. "I didn't mean to upset you, Elliot," I slowly walk towards him as I speak. "Why are you upset that Jc isn't coming?" He questions as I stand in front of him, causing him to look up at me.

"He's a friend of mine, of course I'd be upset with not being able to see him. But I understand why you'd be thrown off about my little outburst, and I'm sorry," I speak quickly, not leaving room for him to cut me off again.

"He is your ex. Call me insecure, I don't care, but after everything that happened when we were back in Hollywood, your outburst sends multiple different messages," he says and I nod in understanding.

He pauses for a second before sighing and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me against him and laying his head on my stomach. "I've never acted like this with someone. I'm only jealous and protective of you because I've never been like this in my past, and that only lead to me getting hurt, you know?" He mumbles as I run my fingers through his hair.

I don't say anything and we just sit in silence, but of course the silence is soon broken by a soft knock on the door. "Come in," I say, looking over at Izzy as she pokes her head through the crack of the door. "Uh, mom wants to know if you guys wanna go ice skating," she says looking back and forth between Elliot and I.

I look down at him as he looks up at me, both of us shrugging our shoulders. "Sure," we somehow say at the same time and she nods, exiting the room.

Silence engulfs us again as we both stare at each other, a small grin forming on his face. My breath hitches as he reaches up, softly grasping my neck with his hand and pulling me down for a kiss.

He moves his hands down to my hips, applying slight pressure to them as he pulls me closer. "Okay," I drag out pulling away and he frowns, reaching forward and grabbing me again.

"A little more," he whispers against my lips and I smile, pulling away. I turn to walk away, squealing softly at the hit laid on my butt. "Gimme' a kiss," he demands, standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

Kian opens the door, rolling his eyes at the sight of us. "Don't be jealous because you're still single," I tease and he playfully glares at me. "Let's go," he states, sending another one of those looks towards Elliot.

Elliot and I quickly put our jackets on and meet everyone outside, piling into the car.


Laughter fills the air as we enter into the house. Ice skating had went surprisingly well, considering I haven't ice skated since I was younger. "Lord, I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve," my mother says, a bright smile on her face as she looks at us.

"That reminds me, I still have gifts to wrap!" Izzy says, leaving the living room to go to her bedroom.

My mother agrees with her, quickly disappearing to her room as well. "Pizza?" Kian asks, grabbing his laptop and sitting on the couch. "Of course," I say flopping down beside him, gesturing for Elliot to come sit beside me.

We decide to watch The Polar Express, Kian rolling his eyes and Elliot laughing softly when I suggested it. "You're such a kid," Kian says, a small smile on his face as he looks over at me. "Says you. Don't be mad though, we'll watch Frozen after this," I mock and he chuckles, the door bell interrupting our rare brother-sister moment.

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