Chapter 9

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Christmas Special!

This chapter is over 3,300 words! It was originally only going to be a regular chapter with 1,000+ words, but I decided to do something special, so please enjoy :)


Elliot's Pov
Here I am, sitting in class with my head down, trying to block out the noise around me. I've been ignoring Sabrina's texts and I ignored her when she tried to talk to me this morning.

I know. Call me an asshole.

Yes, I know I'm hurting her. I could tell by the look on her face, but if I don't want to fall for her, I have to keep doing what I'm doing. Everything will, hopefully, work out in the end.

"Elliot," someone whispers in my ear, causing me to raise my head and look at them annoyingly.


"What's wrong," she smiles innocently, leaning forward to make her cleavage more visible. "You saw how my head was down right?" I ask, and she nods her head. "That was a message for everyone. Telling them to leave me the fuck alone," I say frustratedly, putting my head back down.

"I just want to know what's up. I'm serious this time. I feel bad about last week," she continues talking and I lift my head up and lean back in my chair with my arms crossed.

"What don't you get about leave me the fuck alone," I say raising an eyebrow at her and she flicks her hair over her shoulder, tilting her head. "Is it about your dumbass bestfriend or whatever that bitch is-" I didn't allow her to speak as I cut her off, and to prevent myself from strangling her, I grab her arm instead.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to speak about my fucking bestfriend. Sabrina isn't the one who fucked up your friendship. You're just a jealous hoe who can't mind her fucking business and get over her damn self."

It's settled, I hate her.

"Nobody wants a girl who thinks she's so much better than everyone else. If anything you're one of the lowest people I know. So before you open your mouth to speak about someone else, choose your fucking words wisely," I speak letting go of her wrist, seeing the red mark on her skin from where my hand held.


Tears were clear in her eyes, showing how vulnerable she really is. She opens her mouth to speak, but the teacher cuts her off, dismissing us to go to lunch.

The first people I see when I walk into the hall is my friend Julian, then Sabrina. I make eye contact with her, but she quickly looks down and walks into the cafeteria. I fist bump Julian as we make our way into the cafeteria as well, grabbing our food after standing in line.

I pause as I see Sabrina sitting with her little group of friends. I usually sat with her, but today was different. Instead, I went over and sat with Julian and the other boys. I felt her eyes on me, and I felt the urge to look back at her, and no matter how hard I tried not to, I did anyway.


Her eyes held confusion, anger, and sadness, something I've never seen on her before. I felt worse knowing that I was causing her to be confused and she had every right to be upset and mad at me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop what I'm doing.

I can't.

"Dude are you listening?" Julian asks, slapping my shoulder, causing me to look away from Sabrina and back to him. I ate as he spoke, slightly laughing at some parts of his story, before I dismissed myself to throw my tray away.

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