Chapter 6

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Elliot's Pov
      I freeze as Britney's lips press firmly against mine. Immediately pulling away, I turn around, looking at her as if she was crazy. "Why?" Sabrina and I ask at the same time.

I quickly turn back to Sabrina, seeing her still staring at Britney in shock after what just happened. "Whoops," Britney says, smiling innocently at Sabrina. "I'll say the same thing after I beat your stubborn little ass," Sabrina says tilting her head at Britney. "I'm right here baby girl," Britney taunts and my eyes widen when Sabrina gets up.

"We'll just go over here," I panic, quickly jumping out of my seat and grabbing Sabrina's hand. "Oh, and Britney," I call out, glaring at her. "Talk to my best friend like that or do some shit like that again and I'll make sure you get what you deserve," I say, watching her eyes widen before she rolls them after calmly collecting herself.

"If that's your 'best friend' then you can do so much better on who you call your friends," she scoffs, looking at me and rolling her eyes again before going up to the substitute and leaving the room.

"Why would you hold me back from her, I could've finally had her," Sabrina glares at me, slapping my arm playfully. I looked down to where she slapped me before slightly frowning at her. She's sees my face and a confused look appears on hers.

"Did that hurt?" She softens up, rubbing my arm where she hit. "Pussy," she teases me, pinching my arm lightly and I pull back. "Ow," I purposely yell out dramatically, catching the substitutes attention.


"Are you okay?" She asks and I rub my arm, shaking my head. "She just abused me," I say exasperatedly and she glares at Sabrina.

"What! I didn't-"

"I will not tolerate any kind of fighting or bullying in my class.. Please find your way out," She says peaking down from her glasses.

"This isn't even your-" the substitute glares at Sabrina, causing her to stop speaking. "I am so getting you back for this," she leans down and almost growls into my ear after she gets up, secretly flipping me off. My eyes widen and I follow her figure as she exits, her sending me a glare before she does so.

Well shit.

~After School~

I enter the crowded hallway, people moving so I can go through when I get close to them.

I hated it when they did that. I'm not a damn royal god. Sure I have places to go, but I can wait just like everyone else. There's no need to part away just so I can go through.

It's dumb!

I get to the locker beside Sabrina's and secretly watch her grab her bag and books out. "Hey Sour Patch," she flinches when I shut her locker after she's done. I laugh when she realises the name I called her and scrunches her nose.

"Why?" She questions walking outside with me. "You're sour, then you're as sweet as a button," I say tapping her nose and she moves back rolling her eyes. "Sure," she says following me to my car and I watch her eyes widen suddenly.

I laugh as she stares at my car in shock before looking at me then back at the car.

"It's a-"

"Audi R8," she finishes for me, walking around it and looking at every single detail. "Lawley, if this amazes you, one day I'll take you to my house to see the rest of the cars," I say patting the top of the vehicle and she stares at me in surprise.

"There's more?" She drags out the question and I nod my head, laughing slightly. "But isn't this car like $160,000?" She questions, coming to stand beside me. "Let's not talk about the price, Sour Patch," I mock and she glares at me again.

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