Chapter 3

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    I can't fight it anymore. I need her to be here with me. I need her to be safe with me. She cut off everyone, including me, when she became good again. She said it was to get rid of the people who brought out the worse in her. Then she told me I also brought out the best in her, yet she still cut me off.

I texted her earlier, telling her we needed to talk and whether she wants to talk to me or not, I have to see her. She blocked me the day after she left the house to get ready for school to start again, and I haven't spoken to her since.

I can't stand not having her with me anymore. I can't even stand not talking to her, so, I'm on my way to her house now. I know it might sound weird or creepy, but you have to understand how long it's been since I've seen her. Sure I see her in school, but I'm talking about actually having a conversation with her and just having her in my arms.

When I saw her talking to Elliot in the cafeteria today, I was extremely pissed. Elliot is one of those guys who can get anything he wants, but the worst thing about that is he chooses not to take advantage of it.

Everyone thinks he's perfect because he's rich and he isn't a fuck boy. Which is rare in our school, so you can already guess how many girls pool at his feet like he's a royal god or some shit like that.

Dammit, why couldn't he just be a fuckboy?!

Anyway, I am completely determined to make Sabrina mine before he has a chance to even speak to her again.

I finally see her house, after an twenty minute long drive, because the traffic here in Hollywood is horrible. Parking and getting out of my car, I walk up to her house, one of my hands in my pocket as I slowly knock on the door with my other.

McKenna opens the door, an eyebrow raised as she stares suspiciously at me through the crack of the door. "What's up?" She questions, holding the door wide enough to look at me. "Is Sabrina here?" I ask and she suddenly comes to realisation of what's going on.

"Uhh," she pauses looking behind her, slightly panicking on what to say. "Uh no! No," she calms herself down for a second and I raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "So you wouldn't mind if I came inside to check?" I ask and she makes an unsure noise, scratching her head slightly. "Yea-Yeah sure," she says and I smile slightly when I hear light footsteps padding against the floor.

Real smart Bri..

She opens the door wider, allowing me to come in and I look around, scanning the rooms of the house. I walk into the living room, opening the big storage cabinet, but she's not in there. I go into her room and look under her bed and in the closet, but she's not there either.

After ten minutes of looking around, I finally get to the last place I haven't checked in this house yet, the back room, where we had our first argument.

Opening the door, I see no one there and as I'm about to give up, I see another door leading into the bathroom. I open the door, seeing the shadow of someone in the shower from the mirror.

"Where could she be?" I ask out loud, hearing her cry out when I suddenly open the curtain and grab her in a tight hold. "Gotcha," I whisper in her ear and she scoffs causing me to chuckle slightly. When she tries to get out of my hold, I lift her up and put her over my shoulder.

"Put me down," she says slapping my back. I slap the back of her thigh harder than I had planned to, causing her to freeze before groaning in annoyance and a little pain. I walk up the stairs, noticing that she finally stopped struggling and let me take her to her room. She squeals when I throw her down onto the bed, causing her to bounce slightly and her eyes to widen.

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