Chapter 5

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Sabrina's Pov
   I drive to the school and park my car on the side. Grabbing my bag out of the front seat, I get out, fix my flannel and walk towards the front of the building.

"Sabrina, right?" Someone asks coming beside me and I turn to see Elliot. "Hey Ellli," I drag out and he raises an eyebrow, chuckling slightly.

"As much as I hate that nickname, I'll allow you to call me it, but only you," he admits and I laugh, nodding. "I like how you don't throw yourself at me like other girls," he says, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the school.

"You know what Lawley? You're my best friend now," he whispers into my ear, a shiver runs down my spine.

Did I just get friendzoned?

Heads turn towards us as he walks me to my locker. A smirk appears on my face when I see Kyle's fists balled. "I'll see you course 3?" He says before hugging me and walking to his locker, which wasn't far from mine.

"What are you doing," a voice grits out and I close my locker after getting my books out, seeing Kyle and his balled fists. "What are you talking about?" I asked sighing, clearly not interested in this conversation at all.

"With Elliot," he says grabbing my wrist when I began walking away. "Just leave me alone already," I groan out trying to pull away from him. "Hey!" I hear a voice call out and I turn to see Elliot again. "She said leave her alone," Elliot says and I smile when Kyle lets go, but instead of walking away, he steps up to him.

We haven't even had a full conversation or hung out to get to know each other yet and he's already protective over me. Score!

"You aren't apart of this Eli," Kyle mocks, causing Elliot to raise an eyebrow at him. "Only she can call me that Kylie," he gestures over to me and Kyle scoffs at the girl name Elliot calls him. "So fuck off," my protective best friend warns Kyle.

"Go Kyle," I say grabbing Elliot's arm and pulling him back. "Yeah. Go Kylie," Elliot mocks and I try not to laugh at his childishness. Kyle puts his hands up and walks away after sending a glare towards Elliot.

"He didn't touch you did he?" Elliot immediately softens from his slightly tense state once Kyle is gone and examines me. I smile and shake my head at him.

"Wouldn't want my best friend thinking I'm horrible at protecting someone who is important to me huh?" He asks laughing slightly and I chuckle lowly as he walks me to my class.

"You'll be late," I say standing in front of the classroom door and he shrugs his shoulders. "Quickly! Best friend rules.. One; You can't fall in love with me-"

"Not a chance Lawley," he smirks, rolling his eyes at the first rule. "Two; You are not allowed to stalk me at night-"

"Can't promise you I won't," he winks and this time, I roll my eyes. "And rule number three; You are not allowed to ask for any inappropriate pictures or also known as nud-"

"Okay okay! I get it," he covers his ears before laughing slightly. "Shit, I have to go," he says before winking and running to his next class. I walk into the classroom and immediately get weird looks from people who saw Elliot and I this morning.

"So you and my Elliot are a thing now?" A girl scoffs, glaring at me with hatred and jealousy. "And if we are?" I question, batting my, beautifully done might I add, eyelashes at her. "You won't last long. He'll get bored being with a good girl like you, and he'll break your little heart," she says looking down at her long, acrylic nails.

"At least he won't fuck me and pretend to love me before leaving, just like he did with you babe," I wink at her before fake smiling and sitting in my seat.

"Sabrina, nice to see you.. Hello to the rest of you," I laugh lowly when my teacher, Mr. Hammel comes into the classroom. He favors me more than anyone else in this class, that's why everyone in here hates me.

"Today, we are going to be-"

I block out whatever he says next, there was no point in listening to what he's saying when I already know the topic and already did the work for it.

I stand up, handing my work to him before going back to my desk, ignoring the glares and stares, before putting my head down.

~1 hour later~

As soon as I doze off, someone taps my shoulder.

"So you and Elliot," my friend Joanna whispers and I shake my head, putting it back down. "We aren't a thing," I lift my head back up and she gives me a disapproving look. "Liar," she glares suspiciously at me as she hands in her assignment.

"Anna, I'm not lying," I roll my eyes, throwing my arms up on exasperation, but she continues eyeing me down suspiciously. "Prove it," she says once the bell rings, getting up with her belongings. "Fine," I roll my eyes again, walking out of the classroom with her right behind me.

"Hold his hand. If he pulls away, then I'll believe you," she says pointing at him as he comes from around the corner, laughing with his friends.

He's so beautiful..

Wait what?

"Go," she says and I roll my eyes, beginning to walk towards him. His friends see me first and they motion up at me, patting his back with smirks and slight laughter before walking away. I take his hand in mine and wait for him to pull away, but he doesn't.

"Pull away," I whisper and he raises an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Why? Your hands are cold by the way," he says, grabbing my hand a little tighter while rubbing his thumb across the back of it and walking towards my locker. "Liar!" Joanna yells at me and my eyes widen when she starts marching towards me.

"You could've just said you were dating him!" She rolls her eyes and folds her arms, causing Elliot's eyes to widen before he looks at me.

"Uhh, we aren't dating," Elliot says uneasily, before looking at me in confusion. "I should go.. See you next block," he says pulling me into a hug before quickly going to his locker and to his next class. "I told you we weren't dating, why couldn't you just leave it?" I question her, rolling my eyes and getting my calculus book out of my locker.

"You know I'm a curious person," she says following me to Calculus.

~Next Course~

Elliot's Pov
   I walk to my next course after departing from the people I can actually call my friends.

"Bri," I whisper when I get beside her and she quickly turns around, hitting me rather hardly. "Ow," I dramatically drag out, holding onto the shoulder she punched. "You deserved it," she laughs before cooing slightly.

"Awe, be a big boy," she says rubbing my shoulder and I laugh before rolling my eyes. "By the way, I was wondering if you could tutor me, after school.." I ask sitting beside her and she raises an eyebrow. "What subject?" She asks leaning forward, seeming interested in this conversation. "Calculus," I say and she shrugs leaning back.

"I can try. I've never tutored someone before," she says and I nod internally cheering. "Your house?" I question and she thinks about it before nodding her head.

"Sure," she says placing her history crossword grid on her desk. "Elliot," someone says from behind me and from the scowl on Sabrina's face, I can tell it's not someone she likes. I turn around and see Britney standing behind me with a smirk on her face.

Before I can process what was happening, she leans my head back and presses her lips against mine.

What the actual hell..

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