Bully Me : Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Harry Styles - age: 13 years 

Louis Tomlinson - age: 13 years


'Why are you -'


'What do you -'




Louis looked at his torturer through the purple and fast swelling eye. His clothes were in tatters and his bag laid ripped open at the far end of the alley. 

The bruising on his left leg where Harry had kicked him and the punch in the stomach hurt like hell and yet Louis held it together, not breaking in front of the tall figure in front of him. 

Even with the growth spurt all Louis had gained was extra weight and paler complexion, his height nor his muscles had any effect. However a certain grown up kid had shot up a few feet and towered over the small body of Louis Tomlinson.  

His lean figure hid the muscles bunched in places Louis didn't wish to know. He closed his eyes and waited for the next blow to come, but Harry thought it was time for their little chit-chat. 

'It seems your Mommy forgot to feed you Shorty. You keep getting smaller day by day', the other gang members laughed behind him, but Louis ignored them all. His eyes never left Harry's face letting him see all the hatred he had in store for him. 

Louis couldn't fight back, no matter how much he trained himself or how much Martial Arts he learned through various teachers Harry always overpowered him. He and his side-kicks caught up with him almost all the time. And the few times when he escaped, the treatment he received next day would worsen ten times than the previous ones. 

'Never run away from Harry Styles' - Louis learnt it the hard way. 

'So Shorty...tell me... are you what people call these days -...a Faggot?' 

Louis' whole body shook with unconcealed shock. No one had ever phrased the question in such a way...not to him. And now as Harry repeated the question once more his mind froze with fear. 

Did he know the truth? Did Harry - the last person on Earth he wished to come clean with...did he know about Louis' preferences? 

'Do you like this Shorty?' Harry's long fingers trailed down his sweatshirt and Louis increased his struggles against Zayn's grip. 

'Get your hands off me!' he shouted but Harry ignored him. His hand continued to travel down his chest, navel and reached just above his waistband. He pushed one finger inside, just touching Louis' happy trail and cold sweat broke all over Louis' body.  

For the first time in all these years Harry saw a glimpse of wild fear in his eyes. Louis was scared of his touch...truly scared of his touch. 

As Louis continued to look at him with terror in his eyes something like guilt flashed across Harry's face, but it was gone as soon as it came. Louis knew he wasn't imagining things...he knew Harry felt something, but he never got the time to think any further. 

Harry's fist connected with his stomach and Louis curled over in pain. His muffled groans could be heard against his shirt but Harry had still to give him his death blow. 

'So you really are a Faggot huh!? Never thought you had be more disgusting than this Lou!' the evil smirk was back in place and Harry stared down at him with more anger. 

Louis stayed on the ground not daring to stand up against his enemy. He knew if he made a single movement Harry would probably kick him again. Louis' strength for the day had depleted and he couldn't bare another beating in the guts. 

Harry bent down to his level, their faces inches away from each other. Louis' breathing hitched and he had a hard time concentrating on anything except those green eyes that held nothing but malice in them. 

In some twisted way Louis realized that he liked Harry's features more than an average person...more than an average guy. 

'I am going to be your worst nightmare Shorty...' Harry's voice stopped Louis' internal rambling and brought him back to Earth. His threats clear in Louis' mind. 

'I am going to make your life a living hell Lou. I will make you wish you were never born you filthy faggot!' Harry whispered loudly so that the other members could hear as well. 

'You already make me feel like shit Harry', the words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself and Louis' eyes flickered to those green orbs. 

Harry looked beyond furious, he looked like a madman. Louis had back answered him and that deserved a punishment...a very painful punishment. 

'How dare you!' Harry screeched and kicked Louis with such force that a searing pain shot through the left side of his chest area. He was sure he had broken a rib or two. Louis struggled to move away from the assault before Harry could do more damage. 

But he never reached safety. 

Calming blackness engulfed him until all he could feel was nothingness. The pain left him and he felt numb. Louis' eyes closed in that brief moment and his body slumped on the cold ground. 

'Louis!' someone's frantic voice tried to call him back but he had slipped away.


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