Bully Me : Chapter 27

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[Hi! Sorry for the late update >-< ! I hope you like this one ^^]

Chapter 27


'Niall? Niall...honey! You're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up!' Maura yelled from the driver's seat. 

'Yeah! Just a second mom!' Niall shouted back. 

He stood in front of the mirror behind the door to his living room, his hands coated with hair-gel. He hummed a soft tune to himself as he set about shaping his hair, spiking them up front and applying more of the gel on the strands near his ears. 

'Niall!' his mother shouted once more, this time with a hint of urgency in it. 

'Alright! Alright, I'm done.' Niall muttered and made his way to the car, his white sneakers crunching against the gravel as he pulled open the passenger door. 

'Niall...? Are you meeting someone today?' Maura's eyes roamed over her son's hair, the skinny black jeans that was just days new and his favorite pair of sneakers - the boy was definitely up to something. 

'N-No..of course not!' Niall replied swiftly, not wanting to add more to his mom's suspicion and began to fidget with the hem of his shirt. 

'Okay...' Maura purposefully dragged the word letting Niall know that she was on to his secret. Sooner or later he would have to tell her, if not now. 

'Can we go now?' Niall's ears had turned a light shade of pink, the embarrassment showing on his face but he couldn't help it. It wasn't like he could tell his mom about Zayn, not when he himself didn't know much about the guy. 

Maura shook her head and started the car, her eyes glanced at Niall one more time and then they were off, on their way to school. 



Louis had woken up late this morning, missing the school bus by ten minutes. It was the first time in weeks he had been this late, so he didn't regret his bad luck much. 

The walk from his house to the school took around fifteen minutes at a slow pace, so he had decided to run a few blocks and then walk the rest of the way to school. 

But Louis's luck ran out on him again, a few minutes after his run. As he began the slow tedious job of dragging his feet along the path, hoping to reach school on time, a small drizzle had swept his way forming a thin layer of water over skin. 

He hadn't given up even at that time, thinking that it would pass away like it always did. However Louis's bad luck took yet another turn and it started pouring by the time he was half-way through the path to school. The rain hit his already wet skin, drenching him to the bones. His clothes stuck to his body and water filled up in his shoes. The cold crept up his chest, freezing the air in his lungs and shortening his breath. 

Louis could barely see anything from in between the lock of hair that was plastered to his face. The fear of losing his way was not far behind in his mind, but he kept moving on. There was no way he could miss school this time, he reminded himself. 

His teachers had been very lenient on him, during the time of his mother's death. But he doubted they would excuse him now. There was a strong possibility of being suspended if he missed out on school today. He had to keep moving. 

After what felt like hours, but were actually minutes, Louis saw the dark shadow of his school gate, peeking out from behind the mist that surrounded it. There was no one in sight and the gate had been left unattended, its lock dangling outwards. Louis's slippery hands grabbed one of the rods and gave it a hard push. 

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