Bully Me : Chapter 44

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[Sorry for the late update T_T ... ]

Chapter 44



‘Have you guys seen Lou? I can’t find him anywhere.’ 

‘No. I thought he was with you, Harry.’ Niall raised an eyebrow at the genuine look of worry on the lad’s face, wondering what had happened. 

‘Yes, he was. But he went to get us some drinks, a while ago. He…he hasn’t come back yet.’ Harry whispered the last part – his voice unsure and with a hint of panic in it. 

It wasn’t uncommon for Louis to wander away and mingle with the crowd present at the party. He might have stumbled on to his old friends or maybe got held up, chatting with some of the girls. But Harry didn’t believe so. In fact the thought of something terrible happening to him ruled over all logic, even though he knew it wasn’t possible. Who in their right mind would do something as stupid as hurt a fellow classmate? He couldn’t come up with a name or a person who had shown any suspicious behavior while they made their presence felt in the party. 

Could it be one of the gay-haters who had blocked Louis’s way? Or was it someone else he wasn’t familiar with? 

‘How long has it been?’ Zayn asked, now shifting away from Niall and sitting up on the loveseat. 

‘It’s been about an hour or so.’ 

‘What!’ Niall was out of Zayn’s embrace before he could respond. His eyes had widened; surprise evident in them. He looked at Harry with an accusing glare before turning on his heels and disappearing into the dwindling crowd. 

‘Niall! Wait!’ Zayn shouted but the Irish lad had already reached the other side of the room. 

‘What the -’ 

‘Let’s go Hazza! Before that idiot causes more chaos and brings unwanted attention to himself.’ Zayn suggested and sprinted off after the blonde, leaving behind a lost Harry. 

Had he been wrong to leave Louis? Should he have assisted him to the kitchen? But wouldn’t that anger him more and make him a possessive boyfriend in Lou’s eyes? Harry didn’t know. 

Images of Lou’s smile flashed through his head – the happiness on his face, the twinkling in his eyes as he stared at the ring in Harry’s hand – a symbolism of their growing love and compassion. The memories collected in his head, brightening and blinding him, showing him the things he would miss if something were to happen to his Lou. Could he live with that? With the blame of being careless about the person he loved so very much, about the boy who had now burrowed himself so deep into his heart that removing him was impossible. He was there in every thought passing before his eyes, whether it revolved around him or not. Harry couldn’t begin to think about not seeing him again. 

To the others, this strange fear would seem like a sign of idiocy. But something in Harry pushed him forward, urging him to search for the boy. He didn’t care whether he appeared foolish in front of Louis for worrying about him so much. Even if he later found out it was his own paranoia that forced him to search for the lad, who faced no danger whatsoever – he would breathe a sigh of relief and laugh it off. However, for now, he needed to reach out to Lou. 

All he knew was that his lover hadn’t returned back and it worried him to no end. 

‘Harry!’ Zayn called from near the dance platform, where they had shared a dance just a few moments ago. 

Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now