Bully Me : Chapter 47

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Chapter 47



Louis's head throbbed on the right side, just above his ear where he had been hit by something heavy. He couldn't remember much about, what had happened later and was only semi-conscious to his surroundings back then. 

He had been vaguely aware, of someone carrying him and then they had been on the move - maybe the guy who hit him had pushed him into the car. He did remember it being a bumpy ride, but he had slipped back and forth the conscious realms too many times to not be confused about it. 

To make matters worse, now that he had awakened he couldn't even see the surroundings - some idiot had dumped a paper bag on his head, making it almost impossible for him to see. There were two tiny holes near his eyes, but they too didn't help much to gauge the place where he had been held. It was dark on the outside, and the stale smell of an unhabituated place entered his nostrils. 

Louis could feel the ropes on his hands, digging into his skin and forcing him to stay still. The guy, who had kidnapped him, had done a great job of tying him to the chair. He could neither move his hands nor his legs. The paper bag, hardly allowed him any air to breath, but Louis still managed to sniff his way through. 

He began to slowly struggle against the binds, pulling at them and straining to move his body and the chair. Maybe, if he moved, he would notice something in the dark. 

Louis was hoping for a door, but even if a small beam of light could enter the darkness around him he would be happy. He didn't have a watch nearby, or any sort of sharp equipment with which he could cut the ropes. Even without the paper bag his eyes would be blind, and that frustrated Louis more than the sudden claustrophobia that was becoming to set in. 

"Hey!" Louis shouted and then listened to his voice bounce off the walls. He was secretly thankful they hadn't gagged him. That would have made matters worse, and there would have been zero chances of surviving for him. At least if he was lucky and the kidnapper wasn't around, he could shout loud enough to attract the attention of a lone passerby. The possibilities were slim, but it was all he could hope for. 

"Anybody there? Hello?" he shouted again and waited for some disturbance. 

Just when Louis was about to shout again, he heard the sharp crunch of the boots heading towards him. 

"What are you shouting for, dickhead? Shut up, before I decide to knock you out for good, again!" somebody drawled from behind him. Louis heard shuffling of footsteps and then the guy stepped in front of him. 

The guy had switched on one of the dim lights overhead, and Louis could see part of his features. He was ugly to say the least - part troll was what Louis imagined him to be. He was beefy; like wrestlers but the expression on his face told Louis that the guy had no brains. He was simply working under some orders. The person who had planned his kidnapping was still in the dark, Louis was sure of it. 

"Who are you talking to, Jeff?" another squeaky voice called from behind Louis and a skinny, blonde guy stepped into the light. 

"He is awake now. I think we should call him." the guy called Jeff suggested. Louis resisted the urge to sigh and comment something along the lines, about the beefy guy having some knowledge about their plans. Was he aware of more than just the plan? Louis wondered. If he ever got free, he would take out the thin guy and then the troll. 

"Are you sure? He might get pissed off, if the boy isn't awake as you say he is." the skinny one asked again. He seemed to be the type, who followed orders without questioning them, like a good dog. Louis couldn't see much of his face through the holes in the paper bag, but he could make out the guy was on the right side of Jeff. 

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