Bully Me : Chapter 42 (Part 2)

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[I know I am lagging with the updates, but I really can't help it :( I am extremely busy with work. So, unfortunately from now on there will be only weekly updates T_T . I am really sorry guys. Also once again, a BIG thank you to all the wonderful readers, my followers and silent ones! Without you guys this story wouldn't have got the reads and votes it has now  \(^-^)/ ! ]

Chapter 42 (Part 2)



If people thought the walk to the dance floor was an easy one, then they were greatly mistaken. 

Not only did Louis's legs feel like jelly, but the hand hidden in Harry's large one was also sweating, making him feel extremely awkward. He tried to pull back his hand every few seconds, but Harry kept a firm hold on him. The lanky lad pulled him forward through the large crowd which parted, to let them through. All of them watched in silence, wondering what Harry was up to this time. 

'What is he trying to do?' someone whispered from the crowd to his right, and Louis turned red with embarrassment. 

He wanted it to stop, to put an end to the humiliation he was feeling. But the people kept whispering, some loud enough to make him cringe while the others murmured behind their backs. The blaring music had been reduced to a slow background melody and all the couple dancers had gotten off stage. They were waiting for Harry and Louis to join them, or at least Harry, since Louis was still in the middle of planning his escape. 

His eyes were darting from one end of the room to other, trying to find a back door or the entrance of the mansion. There was no way he could make a fool of himself in front of this audience. They would make his life a living hell if they found out that their most despised gay was a terrible dancer as well. They would chide him, pass remarks on his body and tease him about it for a whole semester if he went along with Harry's plan. He had to get away from that stage and from Harry's vice-like grip that had yet to loosen. 

'Don't even think about it.' Harry whispered and all of Louis's thoughts came to a staggering halt. 

'What?' Louis squeaked. 

'I know you're planning to run away Lou. That's not gonna happen this time. I'm not letting you go…not now, not ever.' 

His voice was low, so that only Louis was able to hear it. He should have been angry with him for forcing Louis to dance, but he wasn't. In fact Louis was only concentrating on the four words he had spoken - 'not now, not ever.' It sounded so very true and romantic that the poor guy was unable to hold on to his anger. 

He really wanted to push Harry away and fled away from the scene before it got out of hand, but Louis couldn't ignore the feelings Harry had put in those words. He didn't want to leave his side, nor was he going to give up the chance of spending more time with Louis. If Louis were to run away now, it might could strain their barely there relationship. 

It was no secret to Harry or him that they were walking on thin ice here, one wrong move would push them back to square one and the progress they had made would go to waste. Louis didn't want that, he didn't want to be hurt any more. He also didn't want to step away from that wonderful feeling which only Harry had been able to bring forth, from the depths of his heart. He wanted to stay...he would stay. 

'I am not running away.' Louis whispered. His shoulders drooped and his head bowed down to Harry's wish. 

'Good.' Harry chuckled and tugged him forward towards the now, empty stage. 

Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now